Example sentences of "exactly the [adj] effect " in BNC.

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1 The Prussian government passed legislation designed to Germanise landholdings in the border districts , but these laws were so badly framed and so crudely implemented that they had exactly the reverse effect from that intended .
2 Have exactly the same effect on behaviour .
3 Waiting list initiatives have had exactly the same effect — because money was diverted to solve a politically sensitive problem , health care rationing priorities have been distorted so that in some cases cash rather than clinical need dictates who gets treated .
4 These , these two keys produce exactly the same effect .
5 There is the same distinction between ‘ consumer deals ’ and others — the distinction having exactly the same effect .
6 The defamiliarizing principle in art has exactly the same effect on its material ‘ ingredients ’ : it subordinates and transforms the way they are in non-literary circumstances .
7 This would tend to slow down capital turnover of old , inefficient equipment , exactly the opposite effect that is required . ’
8 This will have exactly the opposite effect and they will then be able to relax without appearing to have insulted a host 's favourite pet .
9 If the piece-rate was raised in an attempt to persuade the workers to produce more output , exactly the opposite effect was obtained as individuals would only produce the ( lower ) quantity required to meet their cash target .
10 But instead of calming him down , they had exactly the opposite effect .
11 However , while the advisory team 's views had the undoubted consequence of making many Leeds primary classrooms seem busier and more attractive , the beneficial consequences for children 's learning were less clear ; and for some teachers , the claim of ‘ flexibility ’ had exactly the opposite effect , strait-jacketing them into practices to which they had no real commitment and which they had difficulty in managing .
12 It seems Cheltenham 's artistic attempt to engender friendship is having exactly the opposite effect , for the time being at least .
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