Example sentences of "quickly as possible [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Our business concluded it was decided we should go to Jeddah as quickly as possible to visit the Hospital .
2 I 've always wanted to get as stoned as quickly as possible to enjoy the evening at the end of a working day .
3 But if phonemic competitors are included , some means of resolving the phonemes identity and filtering out improbable words must be applied as quickly as possible to stop the proliferation of word strings .
4 It was obviously advantageous to record those events and the aftermath as quickly as possible to preserve them for the benefit of those who came after us .
5 Now on the seventeenth of September Mr met Peter on the defendant 's firm er for the first time at his office , where they had er a general discussion about the business and about what needed to be done in order to secure it and er the plaintiffs at that stage told Peter that there should be er no problems over finance as he understood the bank were willing to assist and at that stage he wanted to move as quickly as possible to exchange contracts on the business erm , for two reasons .
6 John Major and the Chancellor are determined to see interest rate cuts passed on as quickly as possible to stimulate economic recovery .
7 He was to set out with the three French patrols , drive the hundred-odd miles to the Gabes Gap and pass through it as quickly as possible to create confusion in the enemy rear areas .
8 In the case of a severe burn , that is one that is larger than an inch in diameter , the rule is the same : cool first , cover later , and in this instance start to cool as quickly as possible to prevent the burn spreading into the surrounding tissue .
9 In the meantime , a tourism study should be got underway as quickly as possible to ensure we maximise our influence over the WTB 's thinking .
10 ‘ We started off by concentrating on hardback fiction and mass market paperbacks because we wanted to build a paperback backlist as quickly as possible to get regular sales going through each month .
11 When Muhammad Behbehanian , who was still in Morocco writing to all the Shah 's bankers , told him that he had heard Hassan wanted him out as quickly as possible to understand what had happened and why .
12 It is important to assist the patient to change position regularly while in bed and to encourage ambulation as quickly as possible to assist the circulation .
13 Both Prof Steel Bodger and Richard Meade told the court the most important thing was to get the horse off the gate as quickly as possible to avoid serious injury .
14 Darlington council should do something as quickly as possible to have repairs done to the perimeter fencing , they would be surprised at the number of people wandering through the park at night , plus the vandalism which is caused by certain people whose sole object is to thieve and destroy .
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