Example sentences of "response to economic [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Professor Clark is probably correct in seeing in eighteenth-century mobility , not a development constraint but a " steady but flexible labour response to economic change " which assisted an " orderly progress " towards early industrialisation .
2 Whilst it may have become commonplace in Western Europe and the United States for Turks or Mexicans to move north in response to economic opportunity , the Turkic populations of the USSR show no such proclivity .
3 True to Reid 's claim that the debate jumped to solutions , we now find that a major response to economic decline and youth unemployment has been the Youth Training Scheme organised through the Manpower Services Commission of the Department of Employment , in which the school sector plays little part .
4 Many factors were involved in the national response to economic crisis , but the belief that Japan can produce a greater sense of collective purpose was a key theme in a general shift of attitudes towards the lessons that Japan can offer the West .
5 One of the major themes of the present study is that variations in the political response to economic crisis profoundly affect readjustments in the public enterprise sector .
6 Spain 's response to economic crisis was dominated by the transition from an authoritarian regime to a liberal parliamentary democracy .
7 As a result , a political response to economic crisis does not arise automatically , but may only emerge with a considerable lag , and its content will be highly variable from polity to polity .
8 The Spanish railway ‘ crisis ’ was considerably more acute than the British , reflecting the interconnected factors of the lag in forming a political response to economic crisis , and the forces unleashed by Spain 's transition to democracy .
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