Example sentences of "response [prep] [art] demand " in BNC.

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1 The Orion 41 has been introduced by Ubbink into its range of top-hung roof windows in response to a demand for a small roof window that can be installed without major ‘ surgery ’ to the roof timbers .
2 The mere fact that the payment has been made in response to a demand by a public authority does not emerge in any of the cases as constituting or forming part of the ratio decidendi .
3 I turn , therefore , to what I consider to be the primary issue in this appeal , namely , whether there exists a principle whereby a subject who makes a payment in response to a demand of taxation ( or other like demand ) from the Crown which is unlawful either because it is wholly ultra vires or merely excessive thereby acquires a prima facie right to its repayment forthwith as money had and received .
4 But suppose that , though believing himself to be liable , he gives a note or cheque only in response to a demand threatening legal proceedings ?
5 This scheme started in the 1970s , in response to the demand from older people who were unable to find an insurance company offering adequate cover for the amount they wanted .
6 Soon after the turn of the century , however , in response to the demand of the market place , tonics returned again .
7 Certainly there has been a rapid increase in the number of consultancies offering such services , but this is simply a response to the demand created by the draft EC legislation on environmental audits and the draft British Standard on Environmental Management Systems .
8 And the various forms of workflow management systems and groupware products now emerging , in response to the demand for ever-increasing ease of access to that information , look likely to make the terms MIS and EIS redundant , and the LAN and WAN irrelevent .
9 The size and the number of actuarial firms is expanding rapidly in response to the demand for their services .
10 This was in part a response to the demand of Western governments and the UN for a complete restructuring of the entire CILSS system .
11 Further , on one occasion the Pactus Legis Salicae deals with those rachinburgi , or local law-men , who were unable to state the law in response to the demand , " Tell us the Salic Law " : Dicite nobis legem Salicam .
12 Increases in money supply may occur as a result of banks expanding credit in response to the demand for credit .
13 This statutory definition was originally formulated under s15(2) of SOGIT 1973 ( now substituted by s192(3) ( a ) , Sched 4 of CCA 1974 ) which came about as a response to the demand for reform in this area .
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