Example sentences of "find myself [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
2 ONCE or twice a year in some television studio or other I find myself bumping into Lord Parkinson .
3 I find myself pausing for a few dots myself before I turn over the page to find where all this is leading .
4 well erm , sort of in that erm , I was asked to come and do this talk , and so I , I organise to make sure that I had access to some of Gaugin 's work and then to write poems about it , erm , so , erm , only in as much as that it was a waiting to hear this talk , but a lot of my work is through commissions and so I find myself writing about things that I perhaps do n't have any interest in particularly , erm , or I find actually in a waiting , asked to write about anything is quite er exciting and actually using my skill I think it should be , as a writer I should really be able to write about everything .
5 Between ourselves , I sometimes find myself struggling with the reality of living in a Church which patently does not live out the implications of all this .
6 I ca n't speak for everyone , but whenever I find myself eating in a pub it 's usually because raging hunger has overcome the judgement of discriminating palate .
7 Tall , but not gigantic ; shorter than I am , in fact , and when I am in France I never find myself towering over people like a Gallic chieftain .
8 It is with regret and concern that I find myself moving to this resolution since the members as members of the European Community want would like to have been possible to travel freely between members states .
9 When I 'm not with you I find myself thinking about you all the bloody time . ’
10 I slightly lengthened my stride , feeling self-conscious as I always do if I find myself marching in step with martial music , when I deliberately break step and try to walk between the beats , as it were , in as unmilitary a way as possible .
11 In awareness of everything relevant to the issue ( = everything which would spontaneously move me one way or the other ) , I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. In which direction shall I let myself be moved ?
12 In awareness of everything relevant to the issue ( = everything which would spontaneously move me one way or the other ) , I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. In which direction shall I let myself be moved ?
13 In awareness from all spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints which are relevant to the issue ( = viewpoints from which I do find myself spontaneously moved in one direction or the other ) I find myself moved towards X , overlooking a relevant viewpoint I find myself moved towards Y. Be aware .
14 In awareness from all spatial , temporal and personal viewpoints which are relevant to the issue ( = viewpoints from which I do find myself spontaneously moved in one direction or the other ) I find myself moved towards X , overlooking a relevant viewpoint I find myself moved towards Y. Be aware .
15 In awareness of everything relevant I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. Be aware .
16 In awareness of everything relevant I find myself moved towards X , overlooking something relevant I find myself moved towards Y. Be aware .
17 As I get older I find myself tormented by anxieties of this nature , the anxieties about things one will never do .
18 I know some folk wo n't change for anybody they just go harping on in their dialect and er well this fellow said some visitors just do n't understand him I always find myself translating in a situation like that .
19 The truth is , for simplicity 's sake , I sometimes find myself referring to him as my husband !
20 A few discreet phone calls and suddenly I find myself shunted into a siding while the investigation into Ruggiero 's murder passes me by . ’
21 You know I have to admit my knowledge of your country is abysmally small — but the more I see of it , the more I find myself falling in love with it . ’
22 I often find myself bonking into unconsciousness before I can come
23 As so often in this story of my own anorexia nervosa , I find myself arriving at the same conclusion , the same central statement : it could have worked for some people , but it did n't work for me .
24 And much though I appreciate your relentless exhumation of the world 's injustices month by month , I find myself hankering after the wacky old days .
25 Erm , I find myself agreeing with what Mr Courcier said , er , about Hambledon , I do n't think it realistic to expect existing settleme , villages within the area of search to form a nucleus for a new settlement , they 're simply too small and would be swamped by any development , and also the er I stand by the statements made yesterday about the environmental quality of the settlements , about there form , settings , and characters , and I really do n't think that they could form the nucleus of a new settlement .
26 But I find myself left with what may be called the first main proposition of this book :
27 I find myself gravitating towards the travellers .
28 As we dance I find myself staring at the French girl — she has a very pretty face with long , dark hair on to her shoulders , slim build and about 5′ 2″ in height .
29 I find myself turning to the first chapter of the Book of Genesis for an insight into what I am hinting at here .
30 I mean , I love people , but I find myself driven towards hate rather than love .
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