Example sentences of "parties [prep] [art] conflict " in BNC.

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1 All parties in the conflict regard education in its broadest sense as part of an ideological battleground .
2 It called for all parties to stabilize the ceasefire by separating their forces and withdrawing them from areas of conflict , and to set talks in motion involving all parties in the conflict by Aug. 15 .
3 At its third emergency meeting on Yugoslavia in Prague on Sept. 3-4 the CSCE called for an embargo on weapons and war equipment against all parties in the conflict .
4 An EC declaration on Bosnia-Hercegovina of May 11 , following a Foreign Ministers ' meeting , said that although all parties in the conflict bore responsibility , " by far the greatest share of the blame falls on the JNA and the authorities in Belgrade which are in control of the army , both directly and indirectly by supporting Serbian irregulars " .
5 that the right of the parties to a conflict to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited ;
6 The four 1949 Geneva Conventions reflect the principle that parties to a conflict should spare the wounded , prisoners of war , and civilians as much as possible from the effect of armed conflict and occupation .
7 While the parties , and hence third parties , to treaties and international proceedings may be readily identified , it may be more complex to identify the parties to a conflict or dispute .
8 It is desirable that as many parties to a conflict as possible apply the humanitarian provisions of the Conventions , and Article 2 facilitates this goal .
9 The parties to a conflict remain , moreover , parts of a single society by virtue of their acknowledgement of a common name , by their participation in certain common divisions of labour and allocation from which they can not extricate themselves except by secession , emigration or anchoritic or cenobitic withdrawal .
10 According to this document , the deployment of such forces would be conditional on consensus in the Council of Heads of State and on the consent of all parties to a conflict .
11 In recent months Mr Adams and the more pragmatic elements in Sinn Fein have been trying to distance themselves from IRA violence , and during the campaign they called for talks about the future of Ireland with all parties to the conflict .
12 President Reagan 's claim that ‘ No other nation is in a position to deal with the key parties to the conflict on the basis of trust and reliability' jarred with assessments in early 1982 that no more than 0.5 per cent of Palestinians in the West Bank considered the United States was ‘ helpful ’ to the Palestinians in the search for a solution , and only approximately 2 per cent in the territories believed the United States was serious about a peaceful solution to the Middle East .
13 Because of its pivotal role in sustaining the apartheid system , education has always been a central political issue , and is perceived by all parties to the conflict as a terrain over which political struggle occurs .
14 In any armed conflict , the right of the Parties to the conflict to choose methods or means of war is not unlimited .
15 There have been reports of extrajudicial executions , killings and mutilations of civilians or captured members of armed forces and of the torture or ill-treatment of people detained by the various parties to the conflict .
16 After a year and a half of desultory contacts , none of the parties to the conflict has shown itself able to give enough to elicit a useful response from the other side .
17 Article 3 explicitly states that it does not affect the legal status of the parties to the conflict and can not be used to imply belligerent status for those opposing the government .
18 ’ It does not specify that it applies to all parties to the conflict , and is thus more ambiguous on this point than common Article 3 .
19 In reality , however , conflict and integration are incompatible only with respect to the particular actions and intentions constitutive of the conflict , and the particular ends sought by each of the parties to the conflict
20 The resolution was on the same lines as that put forward on Oct. 23 by the UN Special Committee on the Implementation of the Declaration on Decolonization , which expressed its " conviction that the pursuit of a direct dialogue between the two parties to the conflict naturally contributed to the ( peace ) process ' .
21 The call for a UN-sponsored International Peace Conference on the Middle East " with the participation of all parties to the conflict , including the Palestine Liberation Organization , and the five permanent members of the Security Council " was renewed .
22 On the outbreak of war all parties to the conflict introduced restrictions on reporting .
23 It provided for the EC , the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) and representatives of all parties to the conflict to monitor the ceasefire .
24 In the communiqué the UN said that the unblocking of international aid to the south of Sudan was a matter of urgency but could only take place if all parties to the conflict there agreed to co-operate with the UN and other humanitarian organizations .
25 Convening the international authoritative Peace conference with speed , with the participation of the permanent members of the Security Council and all parties to the conflict including the PLO on equal footing .
26 His aim in this and other speeches was not to indicate his solution to the crisis ( although that was often how his words were heard ) but to make an emotional connection with each of the major parties to the conflict ( the settlers , the Muslims , and the army ) as well as with the population at home .
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