Example sentences of "tell him the truth " in BNC.

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1 He remembered taking her to school , it was after their mother died , Georgia would 've been seven , she did n't want to go , there were girls who tied her to trees , it was her accent or her looks , he could n't remember now , but he had to take her because he 'd promised Dad , Dad who did n't know anything , the scratches on her legs were brambles , the bruises on her wrists were something else , he could n't remember now , how could they tell him the truth , how could they tell him anything when all he did was sit in dark rooms with his head in his hands , his head haunted by her ghost , and each dawn broke like the slow blow of a hammer .
2 On the other hand , his tutor would always tell him the truth , and he would never be allowed to hear stories or fairy-tales .
3 ‘ Why did n't you just tell him the truth ? ’
4 I could not possibly tell him the truth , as that would scare the daylights out of him .
5 She felt she could not tell him the truth to his face , but there was another way .
6 For once , she must tell him the truth , never mind that he had behaved so badly last night .
7 She could not tell him about Havvie ; neither could she speak the lie to him , not to Dr Neil , but she could not tell him the truth , for that would mean telling him who she was , and she could not tell him that , not here , not now ; it would spoil everything between them if he knew that she was the spoiled and pampered American Princess .
8 And when we get home again I shall tell him the truth — about who I am , and about Havvie , not the lies about being a governess , and Mama and Papa being dead .
9 If only she could tell him the truth .
10 I told him I knew Marc was going to listen to him , would help him , that all he had to do was tell him the truth . ’
11 Should she tell him the truth , she wondered frantically , or stick with her lie ?
12 ‘ All I did was tell him the truth . ’
13 She was infuriated by his arrogant assumption that he could simply demand answers , infuriated still more by her own desire to simply cave in and tell him the truth .
14 ‘ Too bad you could n't tell him the truth — that whatever class that dress gets it owes to you . ’
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