Example sentences of "come to the conclusion " in BNC.

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1 He 'd come to the conclusion that he was of a completely different species to Leila and her people .
2 Perhaps I 'll come to the conclusion [ that ] … that is because it was real .
3 as to cheerfulness of character , I really think that any unprejudiced person would come to the conclusion that , if compared with the Post-office , the Museum , the Palace , or even the Board of Trade or Whitehall Chapel , my design would carry the palm in this respect .
4 Like all prisoners of circumstance , you will probably reflect a good deal on the whole subject of ‘ time ’ and of its strange habits of hanging , dragging , or running out too quickly , but if you decide to use and dominate it , instead of allowing it to dominate you , you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it is only wasted if it is thrown away , never when it is offered freely , as a gift of love .
5 Similarly , younger relatives can come to the conclusion that whatever they do nothing is right or sufficient .
6 I assess the student 's ability and level of performance , and I might come to the conclusion that they had done pretty well to get those grades ; or it might be obvious that they could have done better . ’
7 There must be no nice balancing of odds , the judge must come to the conclusion that such danger is real and appreciable with reference to the ordinary operation of law in the ordinary course of things , not a danger of an imaginary and insubstantial character , having reference to some extraordinary and barely possible contingency so improbable that no reasonable man would suffer it to influence his conduct .
8 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
9 Alternatively , you may come to the conclusion that there is a real distinction between the authorities , and in this event the problem must be looked at from the point of view of general legal principle or public policy to decide whether it should be brought under the one head or the other .
10 Whether this will in practice make a great difference may be doubted , since it seems unlikely that a court will come to the conclusion that a chief constable of police has come to a decision that he could not reasonably arrive at , which is the critical test for the exercise of the powers of judicial review .
11 It is not enough for the defendant to show that he was aware of the contents of what he was distributing or publishing , but did not himself think that it was insulting if the jury or magistrate should come to the conclusion that he suspected or had grounds to suspect otherwise .
12 If we consider the mathematics of combinations we must come to the conclusion that the pattern making activity of the mind is far better designed for conceptual thinking than any computer .
13 Now , the cheats amongst us ( like me ) will discover that you can import graphics into the Cel editor , and will quickly come to the conclusion that very lifelike images can be formed by using a scanner to scan individual frames from a film , and then pick out the bits they want and place them on cels to form a small animated sequence .
14 In particular workers may come to the conclusion that their real wage rate is fluctuating procyclically ( this surmise may , in fact , turn out to have been erroneous , but that is another story ) : when prices are rising more rapidly than previously , workers suspect that the real wage rate has also risen .
15 Having said that , you may come to the conclusion that you do n't want to continue because it is n't what YOU want to do .
16 In his summing up Judge Hyam told the jury , you may come to the conclusion that the young woman was quite disturbed , craved affection and was quite able to tell untruths when it suited her .
17 Can I make a suggestion to you , that I think that if you go through these you will come to the conclusion that there are two ways for doing this and one is that for example the majority of the ones that Stella 's got where she feels she can make the decision it is only going to affect her you come in with it already done , redlined new where you think there is going to be some discussion , you go through , you put together in the same way as Simon has done reasoning around it .
18 But Gerry did n't have confidence you see so he used to sort of rely on me to tell , but you will come to the conclusion that if I had would have said Gerry 's workmanship was absolutely superb !
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