Example sentences of "to find [art] right [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've just got to find the right plan .
2 Tessa was already turning the tatter-edged yellow pages over , trying to find the right date , when Bob put his phone down .
3 How are you going to find the right frequency before they blow us to pieces ? ’
4 first of all you have to find the right branch — a pine-branch that splays at the end into three , four or five separate limbs .
5 In the present situation , the ASEA could never be a remedy for the ‘ general wastefulness of industry ‘ ; instead , its proper role was in helping employers to get the right kind of boy , and boys to find the right kind of employer and to ensure that training was effective , both in terms of the workshop and of continued education .
6 Automatically — the writer 's habit — I was trying to find the right word to describe the scene .
7 But unable to find the right person , Nikki has now decided to take the children with her , although it means uprooting them from home and friends .
8 Sorry , I 'm trying to find the right bit of paper .
9 The Production Office laboured at some length to find the right name for the character .
10 It is all very confusing with the result , in my experience , that in many instances the fishkeeper has to find the right feed level by trial and error , which invariably involves water quality problems , as well as compromising the health of the fish until the correct balance is achieved .
11 Failure to find the right concept at the first attempt simply leads to a second attempt and a third attempt .
12 Nobody teaches a spider how to weave its web , a caterpillar how to build a cocoon , or a bird how to find the right building materials and construct its nest .
13 At the BBC , we try to reproduce sounds as accurately as possible , particularly in wildlife where we go to great lengths to find the right noises to fit the locations and species .
14 He needs to think of how we are to find the right ministers , men and women — to let people know that there is a vocation called holy orders , of ‘ unique difficulty and unique happiness ’ ; the variety of ministers , deaconesses , teachers in schools , lay preachers , monks and nuns and friars who belong to ‘ the praying heart of the Church ’ , without which its mission would not have the power of God within it .
15 I 'm essentially a social historian , although I sometimes think that if I wanted to find the right adjective , and I 've never been too much worried about adjectives , I would say I 'm really a cultural historian .
16 Unemployment or short-term employment immediately after graduation is largely a reflection of the time that graduates take to find the right openings .
17 That way we shall have a good idea of all the different kinds of rose , where to look to find the right variety to suit a particular purpose , and more importantly , where not to look , and what to leave alone .
18 Halfway through a d-i-y job , when you reach for a screwdriver , do you always seem to find the right tip and size on the last you pick up ?
19 DURING the next six weeks Scotland are pledged to find the right blend in order that their assault on the Rugby World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield does not self-destruct .
20 To find the right school in your area The ‘ Education Year Book ’ stocked by your nearest reference library lists every local education authority ( LEA ) in the country .
21 It has taken me seven years to find the right school for my son .
22 I 've been hoping to find the right opportunity for weeks .
23 To find the right models was proving so difficult that Survage suggested that he should paint landscapes .
24 Many then prefer to sail together — especially if their navigation is shaky — just to find the right destination !
25 But I 'm the one who has to stand up out there and do it , and so while I take his point I have to find the right levels for myself .
26 Marie concentrated hard , trying to find the right words to give some shape and order to the confusion in her head .
27 Simon , Marie knew , would be able to find the right words to persuade Bella .
28 William Troy in the Nation was similarly unable to find the right words to explain the greatness of It Happened One Night and he suggested that ‘ a good photoplay , like a good book or a good piece of music , remains always something of a miracle ’ and that ‘ beyond a certain point the mind is forced to bow down before its own inability to unravel and put together again all the parts of the shining and imponderable whole with which it is dealing ’ .
29 Bobbie goes into the house , trying to find the right words to tell Mother that Father has come home .
30 Unable to find the right words , Gina moved her hand impulsively across the table and touched his fingers with her own , unconsciously reciprocating the gesture he had made to her earlier .
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