Example sentences of "find yourself in the " in BNC.

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1 Turning right into Havelská Street you will find yourself in the middle of the St Gall area of the Old Town , part of the ancient marketplace founded in 1232 by Wenceslas I. In the 15C the marketplace was split in two by the building of stalls between today 's Rytířská and Havelská , hence the grand houses set on arcades in Rytířská and Havelská and the street of low houses between .
2 You may find yourself in the midst of a lengthy disputation about the rights and wrongs of a particular request you made ( 'But you said another five minutes , mum ! ' ) .
3 Chapter Four covers all the points so you should never find yourself in the position of having an accident and being helpless .
4 If you do find yourself in the same position , however , please seek professional help from a member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors without delay , as well as implementing the suggestions outlined here .
5 You could find yourself in the ludicrous situation where you have to take them out of the country for half-an-hour and take them back in again .
6 But , if you do find yourself in the situation of describing an area of life you are unfamiliar with , remember the man with the magnum of champagne and avoid , as far as you possibly can , using any fact , however trivial , however seductive , that you have no warrant for in someone else 's words or pictures .
7 If you try to return to your BBCBASIC(Z80) program , you will find yourself in the same situation as when you left it .
8 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
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