Example sentences of "hard to see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is hard to see a way out of this impasse .
2 At present , it is hard to see a way forward .
3 It was hard to see a reason .
4 It is not hard to see the sponsor 's reasoning , of course .
5 ‘ It 's no worse than driving in mist , ’ I said , to comfort him , though in fact it was hard to see the road ; I was afraid that at any moment the car would go bumping off it , into the surrounding desert .
6 In the present climate it is hard to see the function of strikes except in public-sector monopolies .
7 It is normally placed at the point where sexual arousal is dependent on the element of pain ( inflicted or received ) , but it is not hard to see the variety of ways in which either sadistic or masochistic tendency of any marked degree can affect life-style and relationships even without its overt expression .
8 It is hard to see the difference between Lord Keith 's arguments and those of the ECJ in Dekker .
9 Since each local authority knows the law and CIPFA 's recommendations , it is hard to see the Code 's purpose .
10 But with the Conservatives occupying forty nine seats on the county council , compared to Labours twelve and the Liberal Democrats six , it 's hard to see the Tories being seriously challenged .
11 The point is that it is hard to see the subject-matter under attack as determinations which are so unreasonable that no reasonable authority could come to them , at least not when viewed as Lord Greene M.R. visualised the notion .
12 It 's hard to see the enemy .
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