Example sentences of "makes [art] whole [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Lang comes back from the grave ’ phenomenon makes the whole election seem a disaster for the anti-unionist forces , but it was much less of one than 1979 .
2 And in the evenings , when the afterglow makes the whole valley magic . ’
3 And it 's this muscle that makes the whole leg go like that .
4 In the court case of June 1790 , Henry Cecil was awarded £1000 damages and a divorce , but what makes the whole story so remarkable is that by this time he was already secretly remarried .
5 For some , this fundamental weakness of the created counterfactual makes the whole exercise untenable ; for others ( see Peacock 1974 ) it is a question of plausibility ; i.e. what you think would have been the case must be plausible .
6 The proper equipment makes the whole operation far easier and safer , and encourages instructors to practise those exercises which can so often result in a long walk back to the launch point .
7 It 's important for the foreign traveller to accumulate lots of useless gadgetry and ephemera that they 'd never dream of buying normally , and which makes the whole process of travelling so much more cumbersome and awkward for others .
8 Accepting that milk remains as vital part of the diet makes the whole process of weaning more relaxed for both mother and baby .
9 In other words his is not the sort of playing which grabs you by the scruff of the neck , but rather disarmingly makes the whole process of playing this hugely demanding music appear the most natural thing in the world .
10 As a consequence of this approach it makes the whole process accessible , meaningful and feasible .
11 A voltage across opposite sides of the sausage makes the whole thing into a huge Geiger-counter .
12 He makes the whole thing much easier .
13 ‘ The client 's offering 115 American dollars a day for the skipper , which makes the whole thing worth over ten thousand bucks to you .
14 The fact that they are performing to a camera instead of just for the teacher or the rest of the class makes the whole thing less artificial .
15 Chairman it makes the whole thing far simpler I think because there is n't really no disagreement about this whatsoever .
16 This makes the whole colony a sitting duck for a man with a gun .
17 Travel by shared taxis ( aptly called ‘ Dolmus ’ , translates as ‘ stuffed ’ ) makes the whole peninsula cheaply accessible .
18 If you cut the wires on your equipment very short , it makes the whole effect tidier , but means that you could have problems if you shift the equipment around , or buy a larger tank , as the wires may not be long enough .
19 And that 's the way I 'm approaching my next PC , knowing that no company makes the whole shooting match , whatever the badges claim .
20 and that in turn makes the whole leaf , elongated .
21 This also makes the whole area appear more spacious .
22 Again , on ‘ Late Night , Maudlin Street ’ , you say : ‘ I never stole a happy hour around here ’ — but the whole effect of the song , the way your murmured reveries drift in and out of Vini 's entranced playing , just makes the whole time and place seem magical , otherworldly , and incredibly precious …
23 The company makes a whole range of types of shoe including dress , casual and traditional .
24 Cristie Electronics makes a whole family of tape drives ; the TS4000 series is the main branch , a line aimed at the PC user and providing between 60Mb and 4Gb ( Gigabytes ) of storage space .
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