Example sentences of "makes [art] significant [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His version is identical with Bilbo 's first one , except that it makes the significant change , in line 5 , of ‘ weary feet ’ for ‘ eager feet ’ .
2 But it is the more routine work they do that really makes the significant contribution to safety in the air , such as the identification of the origin of injuries sustained in survivable accidents which has led to the de-lethalisation of aircraft cockpits and cabins .
3 Cumin makes the significant point that employers appoint school leavers to posts before examination results are known in any case .
4 By virtue of its considerable size and its elevated site , the church makes a significant contribution to the townscape of Farnham 's ‘ east end ’ .
5 In this sense , it makes a significant contribution toward a third-generation effort ( perhaps still short of definitive ) that will treat the recombinant-DNA controversy as a not-to-be overlooked early warning of profound social change to come — as the achievements of this scientifically enormously productive century are built into new foundations for human society .
6 His chosen instrumental makes a significant contribution — it has the familiar Bösendorfer hallmarks of exceptional beauty of tone but restricted variety of attack .
7 1.44 < 1.66 therefore accept null hypothesis ; i.e. no evidence to suggest that the technique makes a significant contribution to the recognition process within the domain of music .
8 An innovative attempt to distinguish between the more objectionable forms of cheque-book journalism and the literature which makes a significant contribution to the culture or contributes to the prevention of crime or the rehabilitation of offenders is being made in Victoria , Australia , where the Crimes ( Confiscation of Profits ) Amendment Act 1991 ( Vic. ) , although expanding the concept of ‘ benefit ’ to include the profits of criminal expression , will provide a court with discretion to decide whether or not to treat the profits as a ‘ benefit ’ for the purposes of the Act .
9 It makes a significant contribution to the local economy through its generation of manufactured goods and the fact that its staff pay tax and national insurance .
10 His forthcoming book , ‘ Economic restructuring , state policies and regional crisis ’ , makes a significant contribution to the analysis of the connections between sectoral and spatial change .
11 The volume and speed of traffic not only creates a sense of danger but makes a significant contribution to noise and air pollution .
12 Remarkably this subtle difference in the way an idea is put makes a significant difference to the response .
13 So we should like to see an authoritative source of comparative APRs : both typical rates and the extremes of the range of rates , for different types of credit and ( where this makes a significant difference ) different types of purchase financed by the same type of credit .
14 The aim is to check whether the conventional view of the characteristics of poor households can be substantiated by close empirical investigation of large samples of households and whether the measure by which households are ranked makes a significant difference to the effectiveness of anti-poverty policies .
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