Example sentences of "began [verb] off the " in BNC.

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1 The Director paused and watched the scene below for a few thoughtful seconds , as a squad of house servants bagged and carried out the human remains , and began stripping off the blood-soaked canvas cover from the padded squares underneath , removing it for cleaning .
2 He began tearing off the old , almost ragged , tapestry and prising out tacks .
3 Not knowing how to refuse without sounding churlish , she looked down and absently began to smooth off the roughness of the article she was holding with an emery cloth .
4 He was unaware of the other aircraft until both began to veer off the side of the runway .
5 Melanie , after a while , began to notch off the weeks in her mind by the appearance of the green-banded china , ‘ Here comes another Sunday . ’
6 But , as her stomach gave another helpless rumble of hunger , she sank down weakly on to one of the chairs and unceremoniously began ripping off the tin foil .
7 One by one Europe 's heroes began to climb off the floor and mount a furious offensive which for a time at least threatened to overpower their rivals .
8 On 15 April 1984 the black dust began blowing off the tailings lake .
9 At their feet the edge of the net began to shift off the deck .
10 Nessie began to lift off the larger embers and was surprised that the heap of ashes was so high .
11 since the car began to roll off the line .
12 He paused , put the rod on the table , and began to take off the cloth .
13 The phones began ringing off the hook at Rugby US a few months before the World Cup began , with callers wanting to know when and where they could see the matches on television .
14 On reaching the fire , Joseph jumped out and began wheeling off the thick long hose pipe from the engine .
15 In April a restlessness seemed to come into the air as the village began to throw off the lethargy of winter .
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