Example sentences of "make a [adj] contribution " in BNC.

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1 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
2 First , teacher secondment to industry , if properly planned and managed , can make a powerful contribution to professional , curriculum and institutional development .
3 Perhaps the development by lay shareholders of the scepticism implied by Mr Smith 's survival techniques could make a substantial contribution to avoiding a repetition of the public shock that attended the corporate failures at the end of the 1980s .
4 There is a growing expectation , not least from WACC 's friends in Eastern and Central Europe and the Soviet Union , that our Christian association should make a substantial contribution to the ethical debate on communication .
5 They are already in use in Australia , America , Brazil and Tanzania , and could make a major contribution to managing insect-borne diseases and crop pests , according to Dr Janet Hemingway of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .
6 The establishment now of a co-ordinated network of Regional INSET ( in-service training ) offices , or officers , with the primary function of advising and promoting self help , would be timely , in view of the stimulation to training that has been engendered by the introduction of the pre-licentiate scheme , and could make a major contribution towards combating the inefficient and inequitable distribution of training .
7 I believe we should all warmly welcome this opportunity to debate the role of audit ; it gives the users of audit services the opportunity to have their say and it should make a major contribution to dealing with the expectation gap .
8 In this latter context , schools and districts within local authorities can make a major contribution by :
9 Their removal would therefore make a major contribution to alleviating the Corps " administrative problems .
10 Dry deposition may make a major contribution to the acidity problem .
11 Because of the long lead time that would be required to bring such supplies on stream ( not only in opening the quarries but also in preparing suitable dock facilities ) it is not envisaged they will make a major contribution until the second ten years covered by MPG6 .
12 Because of the long lead time that would be required to bring such supplies on stream ( not only in opening the quarries but also in preparing suitable dock facilities ) it is not envisaged they will make a major contribution until the second ten years covered by MPG6 .
13 Guinness Brewing Worldwide has set ambitious business targets and knows that every employee can make a major contribution .
14 The job must make a worthwhile contribution to corporate or work objectives .
15 Talented people could not advance themselves and their position , let alone make a worthwhile contribution to their field .
16 It was suggested that three or four lights would be sufficient and that they would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety on this dangerous stretch of road where there is no footpath .
17 Extra lighting would make a worthwhile contribution to road safety on this dangerous stretch of road with houses on one side no footpath .
18 The state services did , however , make a greater contribution than did informal carers to chiropody when that was needed , in all types of household .
19 We hope that the present series of unit texts will make a useful contribution to such a library .
20 The money would make a useful contribution should she and her friends decide to spend the evening in the pub .
21 When I was asked by John Wakeham to join AEA as a part-time member in 1988 , it was clear that it would to help lead a similar re-orientation and I felt I could make a useful contribution .
22 Below £90 , Division B would make a negative contribution .
23 ‘ In the last few weeks , however , the level of activity has improved considerably and we are confident that Wise Speke will make a reasonable contribution to the group 's profits for the full year .
24 It presumed that the ‘ partners ’ of the United States , especially non-aligned countries , could also make a non-military contribution ‘ in the common cause ’ .
25 Although it is understandable that the Minister can not be in two places at once , will she assure the House that her noble Friend will make a strong contribution to the conference ?
26 Non-executive directors can only make a limited contribution to a company given that they have little knowledge of its day-to-day working . ’
27 Contrary to ( uninformed ? ) views sometimes expressed it is acknowledged that physical geographers are respected for the contribution that they can make — when they do make a specific contribution .
28 The subject matter should make a technical contribution to the state of the art .
29 If you take your music seriously and arouse the interest of a committed writer , the resulting article can make a genuine contribution to people 's understanding of your work and of popular culture in general .
30 The conclusion must be that it could , only if there had have been genuine prospects that an improved , amalgamated and better managed canal system could make a viable contribution to an efficient transport system of the country .
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