Example sentences of "found herself [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Almost immediately Niall was waylaid , and involuntarily she found herself searching for his dark head in the crowd .
2 Unconsciously she found herself searching for Niall .
3 His wife , who was never speechless in those days , entertained the painters , art critics and sculptors more successfully than her husband and found herself slipping into various love affairs which her Arnold , smiling quietly and getting on with his business and his collection , seemed to expect .
4 She found herself gazing with fascination at his hair , which curled slightly against his collar , before her gaze rose to meet the full impact of his startlingly blue gaze .
5 Lindsey found herself gazing with fascination at the figure reclining in the bed .
6 When she dared to look up she found herself gazing into burning dark eyes , and when she could n't look away , Alain brought her closer , his arms closing round her as he crushed her against his strength .
7 At one point , as the ancient taxi manoeuvred a particularly narrow twisting stretch of road , she found herself gazing into a steep-sided gorge .
8 Believing it was Travis , she froze round-eyed as she found herself gazing into four faces as surprised as her own .
9 Lee found herself gazing at the pubes of a woman a little way along from her and thinking about undergrowths and mazes and secrets and magic and dirt .
10 She found herself gazing at Roman 's secretary-receptionist with an effort at detachment , trying to pin-point the exact logical reason for this rush of unprecedented hatred towards someone she barely knew .
11 Lindsey found herself gazing at a fully equipped unit that would have done credit to any major hospital .
12 ‘ Oh , but he 's younger than I am , ’ said Ianthe , and then found herself flushing with annoyance at having taken Miss Grimes 's joke seriously .
13 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
14 Beth shuffled her feet in the awkward silence and found herself looking at the second man more closely .
15 Luke was standing outside on the balcony , and once again she found herself looking at his back .
16 When her lashes lifted she found herself looking at a name .
17 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
18 She found herself looking at his mouth , and remembering .
19 Yet , perversely , she still found herself looking for him .
20 ‘ Let me take that , ’ said a male voice and turning she found herself looking into a pair of startlingly blue eyes .
21 But it was not a dream : she heard her own voice making promises to worship João with her body and to be faithful to him unto death ; she felt the ring being pushed onto her finger , and found herself looking into her husband 's melting eyes .
22 Glad that her limited knowledge of Danish included an apology , she blinked away her tears , raising her eyes to the stranger 's face and freezing as completely as Lot 's wife as she found herself looking into the ice-blue eyes of the man she loved .
23 Even as she silently repeated the words she found herself looking into his sea-deep eyes , wishing she could drown in them .
24 The unexpected male voice at the door made her heart race , but she was able to summon up a smile when she found herself looking into Gavin 's hazel eyes .
25 She was suddenly wrenched from the barrier , spun round into tight arms and found herself looking into Alain 's blazing eyes .
26 A sound had her spinning round and she found herself looking into the astonished eyes of Marie as the girl slid from her bicycle and walked forwards to confront her .
27 Theda found herself looking into them and became aware of a tiny flutter of the heart .
28 Walking over to the nearest window , she peered out and found herself looking across what was unmistakably the Grand Canal .
29 Lowering her head , Loretta stepped through the narrow gap , and found herself looking from the shadow of the gateway across a carefully tended lawn to the far side of the college .
30 Thus it was that Mrs Clamp found herself looking after my father while he insisted on looking after me .
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