Example sentences of "thus far be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The plant taxa identified thus far are listed in Table 2 .
2 The difference that emerges is that whereas Labov 's statement is based on speaker-agreement within the dimension of social class ( and hence derivative from the ‘ shared value ’ hypothesis of stratificational class theory , on which see chapter 7 ) , the characterization that I have built up thus far is based on the variables of age , sex , area and network , within a single social class , and without reliance on a prior model or theory of social class .
3 So long as Artai remained unmarried it was important to the self-esteem of each of them to demonstrate that while neither she nor her family had thus far been favoured with the Kha-Khan 's selection , yet she was capable of exercising influence .
4 He announced that over one-half of the force reduction promised by Gorbachev ( see above ) had been completed and he issued the most detailed breakdown on Soviet force levels that had thus far been provided .
5 After talks in Moscow on Nov. 27 between President Gorbachev and Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz , described by Gorbachev as " difficult , I would even say harsh " , the Soviet Foreign Affairs Ministry estimated that only 350 Soviet nationals had thus far been allowed to leave Iraq . )
6 Its offer to continue reprocessing on strict commercial terms , in return for hard currency or barter only , has not thus far been taken up .
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