Example sentences of "least likely [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 REGIONAL health trends uncovered in the survey show that men are least likely to hit the bottle in East Anglia , which has the lowest proportion of heavy drinkers .
2 My old , dear and intimate friend Princess Marie Louise , who furnishing the Queen 's Dolls ' House , asked me some months ago to let twelve poems of mine be copied small to form one volume in the library ; and I selected the twelve shortest and simplest and least likely to fatigue the attention of dolls or the illustrious House of Hanover . ’
3 But they are the ones least likely to take a child to the playground , or stand alongside the mums outside school at home-time .
4 Married couples were most likely to have occupational pensions and least likely to have a supplementary pension .
5 Casteleyn observed that ‘ Smaller libraries may not need a full-time training officer but may be able to benefit from the advice of a training officer employed to develop training centrally for the whole organisation ’ , and suggested that ‘ smaller authorities who were unlikely to have their own training officers should look to their authority 's training department for support ’ but it seems that in practice , smaller libraries are least likely to have an existing strong centre of training expertise to turn to .
6 A particular feature of such a view of what is just is that any attempt to translate it into practice must begin by favouring the weakest and the least advantaged , since these are the people least likely to have the opportunity to enjoy an equal share of what we have , and are thus most in need of help .
7 To the extent that the execution of this function may now be inhibited by financial constraints , it is the clear duty of the court to seek redress by whatever method is least likely to reduce the standard and breadth of education .
8 Another less weighted but no less effective criticism is that those areas which most need really effective state intervention are the least likely to produce the conditions in which intervention can work , the most obvious reason for this being that deprived peripheral regions are , as Banfield noted , not locations attractive to administrative and political elites of the kind needed to implement the reforms .
9 The British are the least likely to bother their doctor when ill — and also the least likely to read the instructions on medicines thoroughly .
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