Example sentences of "able to identify the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When an attack is found , it is advisable to obtain the view of a specialist who will be able to identify the type of decay and advise on the treatment of the timber , including designating any parts that should be removed .
2 I have never since been able to identify the cottage , but it was no hallucination .
3 ‘ We want to be able to identify the person who left the site in a contaminated state .
4 XRD is able to identify the metal sulphide used to make the niello and to distinguish it from the metal and from the oxide , chloride and carbonate corrosion products which contaminate the sample .
5 Eastbourne lifeboat had just been recovered after an exercise when the crew heard the ship 's initial Mayday on their radio and were able to identify the vessel by radar and pass on her position to Dover Coastguard .
6 I have never been able to identify the photographer Alec Roberts ' establishment , but I think that it had a balcony .
7 At present , the concern is to identify serious and crippling illnesses and diseases , but the chromosomal examinations will be able to identify the presence of Down 's Syndrome and other abnormalities currently identified by amniocentesis .
8 Even if we can identify the relevant society , we also need to be able to identify the content of that political tradition .
9 Latent inhibition will be fully evident only when the subject is able to identify the stimulus used as the CS as being that presented during pre-exposure .
10 ‘ Because I only found the portrait — I was only able to identify the man in her diary when I had to go out to the cottage last Saturday .
11 Police said they had not yet been able to identify the man but he is not believed to be local .
12 Police have not yet been able to identify the man .
13 Readers will doubtless be able to identify the source of this advice as the work of Robin Lakoff : work which is highly contentious because of its speculativeness , lack of supporting evidence and hostility to nonaggressive speech styles .
14 According to the BR chairman , it was production led and cost conscious , but not motivated to bring income , expenditure and price into an optimum relationship … perhaps most significant of all , it was difficult to respond to government pressure to improve business performance without being able to identify the source and scope of costs incurred in providing uneconomic passenger services for which a revenue support public service obligation ( PSO ) grant is paid ( Reid 1984 : 258 ) .
15 Okay so now whenever you look at a package holiday brochure , you should be able to identify the market just using two words sunlust alocentric , wanderlust psychocentric and so on .
16 By matching Sinn Fein votes with counterfoil stubs , he said , they were able to identify the party 's voters from the electoral register .
17 In the standard referential communication task the speaker describes one of a restricted set of items so that the listener is able to identify the target .
18 Leading through Chris Bart-Williams , they were foiled by Milford 's extraordinary ability to spot a handball without being able to identify the offender .
19 Yet suspecting that a disease is linked to diet is a far cry from being able to identify the item of diet that has toxic or pathogenic properties .
20 Although a new report has been able to identify the gene defect ( mutation , deletion , or insertion ) in 53/79 cases , these tests are unlikely to be widely available for some years and are very labour intensive .
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