Example sentences of "able to understand the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I would not properly be able to understand the Mughals ' palace , said Dr Jaffery , unless I first read through their book of etiquette .
2 He , of all the Jews in Paris , has been able to understand the character of the Nazis .
3 The choice of format is not merely one of preference , it is the key to the reader being able to understand the message .
4 Psychologist : able to understand the moods and read the minds of your counterparts , willing to make them feel good and capable of giving them what they want .
5 Basically they need to be able to understand the idea that ‘ tokens ’ may add up to a big reward .
6 I think you will be surprised at how much more quickly you can read while still remaining able to understand the text .
7 It would seem that the elephants were able to understand the problem and work out a possible solution to it .
8 But the Gulf War produced experts able to understand the problems .
9 The Bible and the modern world : the problem with which he had wrestled since he was an undergraduate ; a Bible world-picture and a modern scientific world-picture , each hardly able to understand the other .
10 The true citizen must be ‘ able to understand the interests of the community , must be able to subordinate his own will to the general will , must feel his responsibility to the community and be prepared to serve it by voting , working , or ( if need be ) fighting ’ .
11 Before embarking on any form of mental/spiritual development , which includes meditation , it is essential that you are able to understand the function of the aura ( see also page 39 ) and are able to control and strengthen your own aura .
12 ( 1 ) Although she was under the influence of the painkilling pethidine , she had not lost her mental faculties and she was sufficiently alert , though tired , to be able to understand the questions asked of her and to answer them comprehensively and comprehendingly .
13 Well , with her bent towards Indian mysticism she would n't be able to understand the way they went on about animals .
14 This will be achieved by developing abilities to analyse critically the work of the professions allied to medicine by being able to understand the way in which the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions , as well as those designed to prevent disease and promote health , are evaluated .
15 In its absence we would n't even be able to understand the question , ‘ What possible reason could I have to think that other people ever have what I mean by ‘ pain ’ ? , let alone the answers that have been given to it .
16 In order to be able to understand the child 's language , it is usually necessary to have a detailed knowledge of the context within which that language occurred .
17 Rather than attempt to start our exposition of the cycle from the point of crisis , we shall be able to understand the role of fixed capital if we begin at the point of depression .
18 At the same time as he was engaged in more political work , Marx attempted to rewrite the history of mankind for the use of the oppressed , so that they would be able to understand the nature of the oppression to which they were subjected , and how it had come about .
19 While many older children will be able to understand the proceedings and give coherent instructions , others may not because their capacity to understand is hampered by permanent or temporary disability .
20 Indeed , many of those children whose fathers went off to fight in the war experienced that same sense of inner rejection , even though as they grew older they were able to understand the truth of the matter .
21 In order to be able to understand the situation of the visually handicapped child in an ordinary class it is relevant to be reminded of the function of the eye and the visual system , since without such basic information the demands which such a child faces are unlikely to be understood .
22 By the age of 18 months or so , the child is able to understand the extent of her own ability to make things happen and the reciprocal powers of other animate beings .
23 DataPrism is able to understand the relationships between tables , which means that it is easy to build queries .
24 Only if delegations from this House regularly meet delegations from other national Parliaments will we be able to understand the arguments , appreciate them and become sympathetic to the problems facing other member states .
25 He is fundamental , that is , not as a privileged object in a world of objects , but as an existential subject ; someone who can " transcend " the world of objects , and is able to understand the difference between being and not-being .
26 So I would like to leave you with this suggestion that art , better than a scientifically-constructed computer , is a useful analogy for the brain , and that the more that can be found out about the workings of memory , the more usefully shall we be able to understand the links between them .
27 To-day we can see Pakistani or Bengali women , walking in their traditional clothes , barely able to understand the language of the country in which they are living , acting as the repository for the pain and grief of the whole family .
28 What use would a comic be to him , he would n't be able to understand the words .
29 If the term ‘ beetle ’ gets its meaning from what is in the box , it can not be used for communication with others , who being ignorant of that beetle 's nature will not be able to understand the term .
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