Example sentences of "almost total [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the result , when Lord Pearce went with his committee to determine whether or not the agreement was acceptable to the entire population , needless to say he reported that the vast majority of whites were in favour but that there was almost total rejection by the blacks .
2 But , as the figure also shows , the dose of LiCl used was sufficient to produce an almost total aversion in the subjects naive to the CS , and thus a difference between the groups might have been obscured by a ‘ floor effect ’ — by a lack of sensitivity in the test ( see also Misanin , Blatt , and Hindenliter 1985 ) .
3 Amnesty International , whose first permitted mission to Sri Lanka since 1982 had taken place in June , published on Sept. 10 a report criticizing the security forces for thousands of killings , and for routinely murdering suspected Tamil guerrillas " with an almost total sense of immunity " .
4 In contrast there has been the almost total cessation of the reporting of rape trials by the News of the World , as described above ( see Table 2.3 ) .
5 The final straw which induced almost total panic in control was the large proportion of late entries ; about 10% were received before the official closing date , a further 30% before the weekend and nearly 60% on the day .
6 Meanwhile , after walking in almost total darkness with no lights to guide him save the fast-darkening sky , Tom reached the village hall .
7 In this species there is no clear distinction between primary visual cortex and the secondary visual areas that are present in most other species , ranging from rats to monkeys , and there is almost total overlap between the motor cortex , defined in terms of the area of cortex from which movements can be evoked by electrical stimulation , and the somatosensory cortex , defined in terms of the area from which electrical activity can be evoked by stimulation of the body surface ( Kaas 1982 ) .
8 They showed ‘ an almost total lack of awareness ’ of the roles of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons in producing ground-level ozone .
9 Here there is an almost total lack of communication between our politicians and the mass of the British people .
10 Tioman 's greatest attraction is the almost total lack of anything to do .
11 His Education Survey 2 Drama ( 1967 ) , totally lacking in officialese , lucidly , wittily reports on a rag-bag of activities done in the name of drama and with an almost total lack of rationale behind the subject .
12 It was designed to be used when knitting pile and drive lace — though I suspect from the almost total lack of drive lace and pile garments that I 've seen , or rather not seen , that is used at all it 's mainly with the rib transfer carriage !
13 From what seems now like an almost total lack of concern when the news of the virus first reached the organization , there is currently a major emphasis within the organization and a constant campaign of re-education of both callers and volunteers .
14 Remarkably , one might think , one of the lowest — indicating almost total lack of agreement — was with a diagnosis arrived at using the criteria introduced by Eugen Bleuler , the man who coined the term ‘ schizophrenia ’ in the first place !
15 To judge from the very wide circulation of the decisions on these details , in contrast to the almost total lack of circulation of the earlier decrees , this concentration of effort was the right policy ; but it took at least another two generations before the aim , which Anselm in 1102 had been confident could quickly be reached , was achieved .
16 We could only dispose of this debris in the raging Shyok and hope that it would eventually be carried , via the Indus , to the northern frontiers of Pakistan — a region I well remember for its almost total lack of any suitable fuel container !
17 In fact , Branson 's almost total lack of interest in music had been an advantage .
18 She had been lonely from the start of her marriage , despite the presence of a small army of black servants in the Queen Anne plantation house overlooking the James River , and several years had passed before she understood fully that her husband had used his frequent absences , at first on plantation business , then in Washington , to conceal an almost total lack of physical interest in her .
19 If you could travel back in time to the Middle Ages , you would find yourself surprised by the almost total lack of hedges and fences .
20 When in 1937 Mussolini , like Hitler , intervened in support of Franco in the Spanish Civil War , and again when he annexed Libya in October 1938 , the ordinary inhabitants of Fontanellato showed an almost total lack of interest ; principally , again , because none of them were involved .
21 Also conspicuous is the almost total lack of wah-wah infested grooves .
22 As most similar opinion polls show , there is an almost total lack of consensus , both on the unionist and nationalist sides .
23 Despite the defeat of the current plotters , the main danger to the government was of another coup attempt , which was seen by many as almost inevitable , given the high level of politicization within the armed forces , the almost total lack of respect for the Constitution , and the inability of the President to move decisively and quickly enough against the disaffected elements .
24 In architectural terms this is evidenced in the smaller , narrower windows , lack of intricate tracery or coloured glass , the almost total lack of development of the flying buttress system , the poverty of decoration in sculpture and carving .
25 Also conspicuous is the almost total lack of wah-wah infested grooves .
26 He puts forward the radical solution that the range be given almost total protection as a wilderness area or area of land where the hand of man is less evident .
27 As might be expected , there is almost total differentiation amongst teachers with respect to the potential of the scheme for inducing schools to change .
28 The Ocean Dumping Act , to come into force next year , constitutes an almost total ban on marine dumping of any sort .
29 Umberto Eco 's magisterial novel The Name of the Rose ( 1983 ) , for example , plays on the dialectic between the reader 's curiosity about the medieval world and his/her almost total ignorance of it ( funnelled , as Eco explains in his Reflections on the novel , through the observations of the novice Adso ( Eco 1985 : 33–4 ) ; between the sense that the historical world ( the abbey and the cultural and religious context of the time ) is a world of its own and the sense that it is connected to the world of the reader .
30 The Commissioners of Woods and Forests reported in 1812 that about 100,000 acres of suitable land would need to be enclosed and planted to meet the Royal Navy 's requirements of oak timber , but that neglect of the royal forests ‘ had produced … an almost total despair with regard to the prospect of Naval Timber from those Plantations . ’
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