Example sentences of "want to get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you ca n't get it , come down to what I want to get the fight on .
2 So I said oh well , I said er if you we really want to get the nitty-gritties I said you know we did n't receive a Christmas card from you I said but we sent them to you .
3 and then we carried straight on again but I wanted to get it done today , I did n't want to go back again weekend they want to get the carpets down inside and they 've got all the carpets there in the house , I mean it 's twenty eight foot long , twelve foot wide so erm we got the carpets in down and we 've got it in the house and it 's too big
4 ‘ We must if we want to get the girl back . ’
5 If you want to get the boss 's ear it may mean excluding other people from the conversation , although they are still present .
6 The Inland Revenue does not need to prosecute because they have powers to exert penalties similar to a fine , and basically they want to get the money back .
7 Keegan said : ‘ We now have a clearer picture of where we are going and we want to get the squad down to a manageable size .
8 seven o'clock , well I thought I 'd come a bit earlier forget that they want a tidy living room , they want to get the toys out of the way , they want to present themselves in the best possible light so they 'd be more forgiving if you 're late than if you 're too early to be on time .
9 I just want to get the looks right ’ .
10 I want to get the coins . ’
11 Yeah they 're accepted and the the language developing is developing more quickly than that so they want to get the stuff into dictionaries
12 But may be that we had a description , want to get the description out to as many people as possible , to see if anybody recognizes the person described , er then we 'd come to you there , give you the description of the
13 I feel all right I just want to get the surgery over with now
14 Yes I want to get the neckline done .
15 It was just on a minute on page seventy-nine , I think we want to get the support of local M Ps , one a has I think , has been just indicated , is contradictory , it might be better to say , ‘ although the document indicated that local authorities would be expected to undertake extra , an extra , or extra duties , the resources needed are , no indication was given of how there would be extra resources , or something like that , you see it 's contradictory at the moment , it says there 's no indication of the role , and then says that they would need resources , and actually if you look through the document , you will see from time-to-time it is indicated what local authorities are expected to do , for instance recycling of litter and the lot , and I think that that might be actually picked up by M P's and say , ‘ Well , what actually have you , do you mean to say ’ , well , what we 're really saying , are we not , that here is an indication of things that we 're expected to do , but as usual , of course , the government has n't indicated what erm where the resources were coming from .
16 On Sunday in his General Secretary 's address , John Edmunds reminded everyone in the labour movement that we need to , need to express our arguments simply if we want to get the message across .
17 Yeah , I just want to get the emphasis back onto that one first , and the products , we accepted it and we 've got to live with it at some point in time , but the longer I can put that off , the better .
18 I just want to get the concept of
19 Okay , so there you are you see , you 're , you 're a first aider and you come up to the person and you hold it the way you did last time and you think ah , now that 's the wrong way round of course , there 's my elbow point , there 's my injured elbow , so I have to be that way round , mm , so you turn it round the other way , right , your elbow shape goes to the injured elbow and your long line goes straight up and down the line of the body , you arrange it so that you only just covering the forearm there , with just enough above the hand to tie your reef knot that would be too little and that would be too much just enough above the hands to tie your reef knot , the first thing you do is to tuck nice , big bit of material right under the hand and anchor it into position , just keep that resting there and all the rest of this goes under the arm up between the shoulder blades there and you tie your first half of the reef knot just above the fingers in the hollow of the neck here , now that 's important because round the back here if you press on that bit of muscle there , there 's a big band of muscle , if you 've got a knot on that it gives a great deal of discomfort very quickly so you want to get the knots round in the hollow here that does n't hurt your casualty , there , draw it up half the knot , is that tight enough ?
20 They just want to get the job done then ?
21 ‘ Julius , I want to get the bus , ’ she said with some annoyance .
22 That is our intention , er we are organizing briefing sessions for officers , and taking an approach which we want to get the information distributed to the workplace and that is clearly an area that we wan na develop .
23 Certainly to explain the Incarnation in a quarter of an hour over the air is a tall order , but Lewis could surely have done better than to say , ‘ If you want to get the hang of it , think how you would like to become a slug or a crab . ’
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