Example sentences of "go so far [conj] " in BNC.

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31 In particularly weak cases the conciliation officer will go so far as to advise the applicant to withdraw the claim .
32 I 'd even go so far as to say I 'm falling in love .
33 Indeed , one might even go so far as to say that , were it not for the ‘ discovery ’ of Siberia 's seemingly inexhaustible resources of ‘ soft gold ’ , that is , an abundance of fur-bearing mammals — in particular the highly-prized sable — the Muscovite government would have been without the economic foundation for the growth of its political power .
34 But I do not accept the submission of Mr. Everall ’ — who appeared for the father — ‘ that she should go so far as to establish that by their return they would be exposed to a grave risk of harm to bring them within the ambit of article 13 ( b ) .
35 We would go so far as to suggest that every sheet that carries any part of the answer of question 9 ought to be marked " 9 " in colour , the first one being " 9 Start " the next " 9 Cont 'd " , and the last one " 9 End " .
36 ‘ I 'd go so far as to say I was very impressed .
37 I 'd say more than that , in fact I 'd go so far as to mention the name of Blanche Ingram and the word , marriage .
38 Christine Brooke-Rose does not go so far as to disavow authorial creativity altogether , but she too sees technology as the possible key to a breakthrough in how we think about the human subject .
39 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
40 Even Amabel could not go so far as to trouble Gemma .
41 The best Ford simulator yet , in fact I will go so far as to say that they could not bring another one out to top this one .
42 In fact , I 'd go so far as to return a compliment I 've had paid to me by men many times over in my eventful life .
43 She did n't go so far as to give me her telephone number , but I prudently copied it from the instrument at a point during the interview when she was distracted : when one of Brenda 's children had somehow slipped into the room to find a drum stacked halfway down a pile of similar toys .
44 But we need not go so far as that ; it will suffice to suppose that firms rise and fall , but that the ‘ representative ’ firm remains always of about the same size , as does the representative tree of a virgin forest . [ … ]
45 It is important that constituents should be able to consult us about confidential matters , but surely we should not go so far as to give comfort to murderers and bombers , as has been suggested .
46 We should not go so far as to hold a referendum , but the people must have the final say .
47 I would go so far as to say that one of the main reasons why there are fewer casualties among pedestrians and particularly children in countries such as West Germany is that that country has more flexibility in the use of speed limits .
48 We then asked him , if he could not go so far as to meet us in full , to introduce an empowering provision .
49 Surely they would n't go so far as to break in ?
50 So I think it 's easy to see that religion fulfils this civilizing socially controlling role , but of course , this has been a popular theme in sociological writing in the course of the twentieth century , indeed , you could go so far as to say this , it is has become a cliche , in twentieth century social science .
51 Though I could n't go so far as to say that service was included as all the waiters seemed interested in was getting the lights off so they could dance with Sorrel .
52 Most recent historians would agree that the Hammonds were much too reluctant to accept that there was even serious talk of revolution , although the majority do not go so far as Thompson in their assessment of the seriousness of the threat .
53 However he does not go so far as to paraphrase by " see that " , as does Palmer .
54 Few could go so far as Musurus Pasha , who during his thirty-five years as Turkish ambassador in London staffed the embassy entirely with his sons , nephews and sons-in-law ; but even in the most developed states of western Europe and on the eve of the 1914 conflict family influences could still be important .
55 We 've put those together , we 've looked at the staff that we need to administer that particular level of activity , and we 've come out with a figure that we think is a reasonable estimate , in fact I would go so far as saying , we think this is the lowest estimate that we can safely put forward , as to our needs for the coming year .
56 I 've heard it repeated on the radio recently and even the Secretary of State did n't go so far as to use the ninety percent figure but was talking about the seriously mentally ill and the not so seriously mentally ill .
57 You can go so far as to say that any words which produce good music constitute a good libretto .
58 ‘ I 'd go so far as to say that you 're wasting your time even to think of applying for custody . ’
59 ‘ Produce your bit of paper , ’ he rapped out , ‘ and , although I wo n't go so far as to give your eventual marriage my blessing , at least I 'll let it run its natural course .
60 ‘ No , Nina , I was n't in love with David Markham , ’ said Rachel firmly , then , seeing that Nina was still slightly bemused , she added , ‘ In fact , I think you could go so far as to say I detested him . ’
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