Example sentences of "go along with the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I was in the war , ’ the poppy-seller at Charing Cross said , to explain why he could not go along with the media insistence that this was a good news story .
2 WC apps : 7 The Scots are in their fifth successive World Cup and would presumably go along with the Olympian sentiment about taking part being more important than winning .
3 The Senate will probably go along with the conference 's wishes .
4 Alas , we must all go along with the charade which will take months , cost millions and produce enough his balloon a dozen times . '
5 To this extent , then , he finds that the law will go along with the medical determination .
6 Fortunately most old people are all in favour of precautions of any kind , and if , in addition , you can tell her truthfully that you have just such a ‘ hospital case ’ packed for yourself at home , for an emergency , she will probably go along with the idea very willingly .
7 But she does n't go along with the various analyses of why vampires are becoming hipper .
8 But she did n't turn away from Bodie , and he knew that she would go along with the request .
9 I do know that I do n't go along with the belief that the Soviets always trail the West in technological advancement .
10 DEC says it 'll go along with the Open Software Foundation 's choice symmetric multiprocessing technology and expects it to be delivered a new release early next year .
11 I 'll go along with the business on one condition , ’ he said quietly .
12 I think in general term they will go along with the erm the de-furbishment or the destruction of the er but my understanding is they are reserving their judgement until they 've seen some version of the plan .
13 Do you go along with the argument that the Turner Prize helps to stimulate public interest in the arts , especially now that it is televised ?
14 Where there 's a big age gap , between the children , the older child often will go along with the parental wishes much more , merely because it 's much more mature .
15 The right hon. Member for Chingford said that he can not go along with the negotiations at Maastricht because he wants to protect Britain from ’ rabid dogs and dictators ’ — some might say from himself .
16 We are democrats and accept that until we have convinced people by the force of our argument , we should go along with the view of the majority of the organisations of which we are a member .
17 You see , it was really my dad that made me go along with the Church , even though he did n't really involve himself .
18 And through request to the county solicitor , it was again Mr quite rightly said , it was said we would , and we as a corporate body , i e the county council , and the C P D. And I would go along with the the er proposition .
19 We 're not the kind of thing that attracts government funding cos we 're not sort of we do n't go along with the architectural you know , the architectural establishment really insists that everything should be exactly just so .
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