Example sentences of "side [prep] the story " in BNC.

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1 This , of course , is only the official , public side of the story .
2 Whether the incumbent managers like or dislike the offer made by a bidder is only one side of the story .
3 He now warns any potential franchisee to listen to the people who know : ‘ Talk to as many franchisees as you can ; do n't just listen to the franchisor 's side of the story , ’ he says .
4 Unfortunately there is no record of Modi 's side of the story .
5 The other side of the story evolves around the person not as the object of demands imposed from the outside , but as the creator of such demands addressed to himself .
6 It was interesting to talk with a family who belonged to this high priest 's group and hear their side of the story .
7 I explained my side of the story .
8 Jim Rosenthal of ITV kept asking me to give my side of the story and in the end I did , appreciating the opportunity to put the record straight .
9 This embarrassed Sally in and ( perhaps more importantly ) listen to her side of the story .
10 Two weeks later the Glamorgan chairman , Tony Lewis , used his column in The Daily Telegraph to give the club 's side of the story .
11 Solomon might have replied ( the records do not give his side of the story ) that it takes two to quarrel .
12 PIRATES — FACT & FICTION tells both side of the story .
13 With Gimbert and Moscato making a disciplined if muted Championship debut , CHRIS THAU sought their side of the story .
14 But the greatest coup of all was engineering publication of her side of the story of her failed marriage .
15 Next Sunday , TV rival CBS will show the Buttasuoco side of the story while ABC also screens its version of events .
16 Not surprisingly , PW has welcomed the report , not least because it allows the firm to tell its side of the story without being hindered by the confidentiality rules which have left partners unable to defend themselves in the 16 months since the bank collapsed .
17 And that was Mrs Sheldon 's side of the story as related forty-one years later after the death of her husband .
18 ( A week later the director and crew went to Captain Macintyre 's house in the country to obtain his side of the story .
19 Even with this explanation , one is not necessarily convinced that Ulimwengu was in the wrong , since we have only the Government 's side of the story .
20 TODAY sent HELEN RENSHAW to hear their side of the story .
21 I have never had the chance to put properly my side of the story .
22 ‘ Hopefully , within the next couple of weeks , I will attend a supporters ' meeting and put the full side of the story . ’
23 He said he had not wanted to upset the head teacher at Hylands but to put the other side of the story .
24 She revealed her side of the story to The Times .
25 The sleeve artwork was directly ripped from the infamous Manson/ Life magazine front cover , altered slightly to tell the Family 's side of the story .
26 So media men were invited to visit a Catholic school where Bishop Konstant and headmaster Mr Gerry O'Kane were able to tell the other side of the story of life in the Gipton area .
27 Graham , a self-confessed IBM-freak , felt he needed to present Big Blue 's side of the story because , ‘ IBM is incapable of putting forward its perception of what 's going on ’ .
28 The Buckinghamshire assessments seem , on the contrary , to illustrate the other side of the story , of commissioners having to be directed by the Council to commence their labours afresh , employing any and every ‘ practice ’ to ferret out the truth .
29 Could a taxi driver be deprived of his licence to operate at Heathrow because of misconduct , without being given a chance to put his side of the story ?
30 At the same time these original articles , which were generally sympathetic to the Princess of Wales , proved to those around her , many of whom I would meet later , that at last her side of the story could be told fairly .
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