Example sentences of "looking [prep] [art] wrong " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's like looking through the wrong end of a telescope . ’
2 Once extended her own eye was pressed to the lens of the telescope that was herself ( was it her own eye 's lens she was looking through the wrong way ? ) and she saw herself at the other end .
3 ‘ Then obviously I 've been looking for the wrong qualities in my secretaries . ’
4 The third time she saw it Allen was with her but he must have been looking in the wrong place , for he did n't see it although she did n't understand how that could be .
5 If you ca n't find the right staff , perhaps you 're looking in the wrong place .
6 This suggests , once again , that comprehension experiments may have been looking in the wrong place for evidence of young children 's linguistic competence .
7 Well if we 're looking in the wrong Emmy , if we 're looking at at general er spread-shot advertising , i we 're in a market which is much tougher than we we sometimes appreciate .
8 Good , fine , I 'm not surprised , I was looking in the wrong rate book was n't I ?
9 But perhaps we are looking in the wrong direction .
10 I 'm looking in the wrong
11 In fact I think the people who are looking in the direction of change in terms of parent governors and P T As etcetera are , I think looking in the wrong direction .
12 All those wankers obsessed with the shape of Ms Zeta Jones ' num-nums are looking at the wrong asset .
13 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
14 So sorry I 'm looking at the wrong the wr that is the southern bypass .
15 one I 'm not sure it is , unless I 'm looking at the wrong
16 No you 're looking at the wrong one , this eight down here where it says eight and then there 's an O and a Z , that 's eight ounces which is about two and something grams , we 're not worried about grams today , in ounces , oh , think that will be enough ?
17 I do n't really , oh I 'm looking at the wrong bit .
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