Example sentences of "to take responsibility for the " in BNC.

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1 Some shareholders have called on Sir Derek , who masterminded the ISC takeover , to take responsibility for the debacle and resign .
2 Rachel was kinder and gentler towards her than she had ever been before ; but she also required Phoebe to take responsibility for the baby , to be a good mother , to take heed for the morrow .
3 And the head — above all — needs to take responsibility for the whole programme .
4 Now the Department of Energy is in the ludicrous position of trying to persuade the SSEB to accept responsibility for the Scottish plutonium , currently unseparated from the rest of the spent fuel , while the CEGB is under pressure to take responsibility for the Kent plutonium .
5 support a continued moratorium on hunting the great whales , and push for a similar body to the International Whaling Commission to take responsibility for the 66 small cetaceans currently unprotected
6 Willing to take responsibility for the church to grow , and not wait for it to happen .
7 The only way out would be to get the Lib Dems to take responsibility for the posters — which they refused to do , for fear of alienating Tory waverers .
8 This makes it very easy for climbers not to take responsibility for the rubbish they create .
9 At the moment it is theoretically possible for a qualified nurse with 20 years ' break in service to be put in charge of an acute ward , and to take responsibility for the management and allocation of staff , even though she may not have any recent or relevant experience .
10 Local authorities had a duty to assess those judged to be ‘ at risk ’ or ‘ vulnerable ’ and the state had to take responsibility for the supervision of care .
11 Subsequently , the government responded to public pressure and provided for an elected single-purpose authority to take responsibility for the ILEA ( see below ) .
12 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
13 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
14 Nevertheless , Adenauer was determined to take responsibility for the mistakes of the past and to this end he also agreed to settle pre-1945 German debts .
15 However , the best man or chief bridesmaid will have to take responsibility for the announcement , and the safekeeping of any gift .
16 to take responsibility for the arrangements for punishment in the community and providing services through contracts with other organisations .
17 Each member state has designated a particular body to take responsibility for the comparability work .
18 In late 1989 Ian Lang , then Minister for Education in the Scottish Office , announced that SCOTVEC was to take responsibility for the accreditation of Scottish Vocational Qualifications ( SVQs ) .
19 If colleges were experienced in validation and had developed acceptable validation procedures , the Council made Validation Procedures Agreements with them which enabled them to take responsibility for the organisation of validation for their own pilot schemes .
20 Zhelev organized on Sept. 1 and 11 meetings between Lukanov and leaders of the UDF and other opposition parties , but the UDF consistently rejected participation in a coalition on the grounds that the BSP alone had to take responsibility for the present state of the country , and that a strong parliamentary opposition was needed to guarantee Bulgaria 's democracy .
21 The force facility can be used as often as required for a particular SPR , for example , if a user does not wish to take responsibility for the SPR or if a user accepts the SPR but at a later date passes the work onto someone else .
22 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
23 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
24 Records were needed for audit , disciplinary and precedent purposes , and to enable ministers to take responsibility for the work of their departments before parliament .
25 I also recognised that I was expected to take responsibility for the interpretation of the utterance , exploring a wide range of contextual assumptions ( about hospitals , illness , operations , and convalescence ) and deriving a wide range of contextual implications — not only a wider range than I would have derived had the newsreader just produced [ 14b ] , but a wider range than I would have derived if I had realised that the speaker was talking about the pound .
26 Mr. Kinnock has challenged the Prime Minister to take responsibility for the recession .
27 ‘ The Belarussian government does not want to take responsibility for the results of market reforms .
28 Ms Stacey said : ‘ It is a national pastime and the islanders have to take responsibility for the slaughter .
29 Education Secretary John Patten has appointed a new governing body to take responsibility for the college .
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