Example sentences of "think [prep] a better " in BNC.

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1 I 'd think about a better way to handle Eric once I had that out of the way .
2 If we could think of a better system we would introduce it .
3 ‘ Can you think of a better ? ’
4 Can you think of a better way to boost circulation ?
5 ‘ I am anxious that you should stay here until I return and I can not think of a better way of making sure you do than by putting you in charge of my property , ’ he explained .
6 The method used ( and you may well think of a better one ! ) is to drive two brass gimp or panel pins into the panel on each side of each of the l.e.d.s such that the l.e.d. wires can be looped around ( no tightness here ) and be soldered to the pins rather as Fig. 6 shows .
7 I ca n't think of a better meal than an omelette with salad and French bread .
8 ‘ I want to have a full career here and I could n't think of a better way to do that .
9 And while she was having a whisky and eating a piece of cake at eleven o'clock , in a hapless impulse to demonstrate and somehow fix her freebooting mood — though she saw the irrationality of it on a day that had begun with a clear insight that at least she would try to equal his thinness even if she could never hope to achieve the frugality of his expectations — just as she was leaving the last part of the cake , she would think of a better way to write the note .
10 Sorvino could n't think of a better reason to get away from the ice-pick drone of the alarm .
11 We ca n't think of a better guarantee that you 'll get what you pay for .
12 It was not a satisfactory solution of what came to be called the Southwark Bridge Mystery , but no one could think of a better one .
13 ‘ Well , can you think of a better opportunity for them to find out what 's best for the both of ‘ em ? ’
14 I note in passing , however , that , when it comes to squandering the nation 's money , I can not think of a better example than the enormous amounts squandered by the Government in setting up the machinery for the administration of the poll tax , which is now to be totally unwound .
15 I could n't think of a better place to end this leg of the tour than Belfast . ’
16 So wh what I 'm saying is erm , our modern view , the consequence of this is our modern view of evolution and I ca n't think of a better way to illustrate it than this , is that organisms ultimately are , can really been seen , rather like this .
17 Maybe its a bit difficult for people with either a non UK sense of humour ( I include you Irish folks in UK … sorry guys , but could nt think of a better description …
18 Can anyone think of a better one maybe ?
19 You and the good doctor are thick as thieves , and I ca n't think of a better man for you . ’
20 It 's no five star hotel … but the volunteers on a work week at Didcot Railway centre ca n't think of a better place to spend their dream holiday .
21 I mean everything is , is well , regimented , I ca n't think of a better word
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