Example sentences of "given a [adj] welcome " in BNC.

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1 I hope Tendulkar is given a kindly welcome by the Yorkshire spectators .
2 She was given a decent welcome by the crowd at the Ang Mo Kio town centre .
3 This plan was given a cautious welcome by the Social Democratic and Labour Party , led by Gerry Fitt , John Hume , and Paddy Devlin , which had taken over the leadership of ‘ constitutional ’ nationalist opinion .
4 A form of economic decentralisation , already approved by the Baltic legislatures , was given a cautious welcome by the USSR Supreme Soviet in July 1989 and was formally adopted at the winter parliamentary session .
5 Although Hamdi denied that his reform programme was taken under pressure from the IMF , it followed a visit by an IMF team and was given a cautious welcome by the organisation .
6 The proposals were given a cautious welcome by politicians on the left , but the right-wing parties decried them as an attempt to distract from the President 's and the government 's current unpopularity .
7 Meanwhile , news that the Welsh Office is to set up a forensic psychiatry unit in North Wales a medium secure unit was given a cautious welcome .
8 SCHOOL governors have given a cautious welcome to news that the go-ahead has been given to expand Darlington 's overcrowded Catholic schools .
9 Mr Michael Fallon , MP for Darlington , has given a guarded welcome to the idea of a shopmobility scheme : ‘ The search for that sort of solution gets my support .
10 Friends of the Earth has added its name to the list of environmental groups which have condemned the government 's " set-aside " programme for redundant farmland , initially given a broad welcome by green campaigners .
11 He may have reassured himself of the contnuing power of his charisma during recent tours of the south , where he was given a rapturous welcome .
12 David introduced her to the warden , then they made their way to the residents ' common-room where Rachel was given a rapturous welcome by her new friends , in particular by a young Down 's syndrome woman called Belinda whose delight at seeing her again was only too apparent .
13 Lombard 's Pictures may lack the last degree of individual characterisation , but at budget price this version can be given a warm welcome .
14 The Auditing Practices Board 's discussion paper on the future direction of auditing ( see p 88 ) has been given a warm welcome by most of the profession , and the debate which it hoped to stimulate is already underway .
15 This was a busy and fruitful time , and the team were given a warm welcome in all the places we worked .
16 As the Lord President will be aware , visitors to Wales are always given a warm welcome and a nice cup of tea , but coachloads of my constituents visiting the Houses of Parliament are cold-shouldered and can not obtain refreshments anywhere .
17 Well the players arrived here at Prenton Park about half an hour ago … given a warm welcome by the Town fans .
18 He was given a great welcome by the waiters and Jane was introduced to the Maître in person .
19 On arrival at Hillsborough she was given a boisterous welcome by 150 children given time off school to greet her .
20 On return to its home port in Tripoli , the ship is given a huge welcome .
21 It was given a qualified welcome by Donald Riegle and Henry Gonzalez , the ( Democrat ) chairmen of the Senate and House banking committees respectively , who stated that an extension of bank operations into financial services should be delayed until the implementation of the supervisory and deposit insurance reforms , the latter being expected to attract widespread public opposition .
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