Example sentences of "to rid [pn reflx] of the " in BNC.

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1 We 're about to rid ourselves of the blood and fat of the buffalo . "
2 We seek to rid ourselves of the awful thought that we might have some responsibility for what has happened .
3 ‘ No , no , ’ the Finnish detective said , shaking his head as if to rid himself of the last remnants of misunderstanding .
4 He watched Simon 's trainers padding around to the back door only inches from his face and he wanted to scream , to rid himself of the unbearable tension .
5 His inability to rid himself of the woman is a recurrent theme , even though a psychoanalytic institute in the US ( where for some reason another analyst has written a book which presents the patient as a great therapeutic success ) actually sent him money regularly so that he could pay her off when she got too demanding .
6 As he pushed the calf 's head towards the udder he spat to rid himself of the polluting sight of birth .
7 For a moment , he almost wished he were at home , but then he shook his head as if to rid himself of the thought .
8 Time at last to rid himself of the name ‘ Marwood ’ for good and all : he told the officiating minister , Alfred Martell , to write him down as ‘ James Henry Titford ’ .
9 Holly straightened himself , shrugged at his shoulders to try to rid himself of the weariness , gazed back at the man 's face .
10 There have been suggestions that James owed Gowrie a great deal of money , and contrived the incident to rid himself of the debt ; or that he had homosexual designs on the young man , and had murderously silenced him when rejected .
11 Edward 's desire to rid himself of the burden and embarrassment of Scotland was shared not only by his subjects but also by the pope , whose concern for peace in England , a prerequisite for a crusade , was once again evident .
12 And Linighan 's teammates , astonished by his courage in heading home the winner in the dying seconds of extra-time while suffering two serious injuries , reckoned it was a just reward for the defender who has battled so long to rid himself of the ‘ million pound misfit ’ tag .
13 Nobody will ever know for sure how much Ken tried to rid himself of the camp , ‘ Carry On ’ image .
14 Ken tried to rid himself of the guests , so that he could get away to the theatre , by telling Pat to call him to an imaginary telephone call .
15 There are , even today , all sorts of varying views on Ken 's theatrical performances and how seriously he took his opportunities to rid himself of the cliché Kenneth Williams image .
16 Sheila Hancock agrees that a great deal of the Williams intellectual showing off was to rid himself of the ‘ Carry On ’ persona .
17 The Irish Government was resolutely determined to rid itself of the British system which had done so much harm to the economy .
18 Enver Hoxha 's widow Nexhmije Hoxha , who had headed the Communist-dominated Democratic Front until December 1990 , but who had subsequently been expelled from the party as it sought to rid itself of the hardline old guard , was arrested on Dec. 4 to stand trial for corruption , as was Rita Marko , a politburo member for 34 years until July 1990 .
19 Pneumonia during the prepatent phase may cause signs of dyspnoea and depression , whereas the presence of adult worms and excess mucus in the trachea lead to signs of asphyxia or suffocation with the bird gasping for air ; often there is a great deal of head shaking and coughing as it tries to rid itself of the obstruction .
20 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
21 This , he told her , was Italy 's great chance , far greater than in '48 , to rid herself of the foreign oppressor and unite to form a great power .
22 It can take a long time for a woman to rid herself of the automatic assumptions that she has absorbed about home-making , and learn to fashion an approach which suits her and her family .
23 He looked like a figure gazing into the mouth of hell , and she shook her head to rid herself of the image .
24 To rid herself of the nightmare voice that for the first time had spoken clearly and terribly in the full rational light of day .
25 It is certainly true that in many cases warts will regress and even disappear without any treatment , but it is unclear why this should happen and there is no way of predicting which sufferers will be able to rid themselves of the warts or how to stimulate the body 's defence to that end .
26 Self-help groups can be very useful and ideally every physician caring for diabetics should have access to a person skilled in helping people to rid themselves of the smoking habit .
27 The general health of older people might be improved if they were able to rid themselves of the many ageist attitudes that surround the issue , and were able to feel more positive about their health prospects .
28 West Indies ' motivation since that year is well dissected : ‘ Caribbean communities are increasingly eager to rid themselves of the images of slavery and servitude . ’
29 The fire had been doused under a great , smoking heap of insects ; the human beings shook themselves like dogs to rid themselves of the sickening creatures , which were showing , for some reason , perhaps because she was wearing a white muslin dress , a particular desire to land on Lucy .
30 But it was too late , or perhaps I forced the confession out of myself , determined once and for all to rid myself of the burden of this secret .
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