Example sentences of "to rid [pn reflx] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 In order to appreciate something which is above and beyond ourselves we have to rid ourselves for a time of our sophistication and , in the words of Jesus Christ , become as little children again .
2 After snarling a few choice remarks at them from the corners of our mouths , such as , ‘ Get lost ! ’ or ‘ Beat it ! ’ , which we understood to be good American for , ‘ Please go away , we do not wish for company , ’ we managed to rid ourselves of a few of them , but two of the most persistent followed us until we were clear of the town , and then we realised that the only way to be left alone was for us to be really rude .
3 The farmer who sold it was happy to rid himself of a wreck which was no more than a dangerous playground .
4 He was , and clearly remained to the last days of his long life , a fairly severe obsessional-rigid , indecisive , racked with doubts and unable to rid himself of a penchant for rather down-market women which led him into a series of miserable relationships .
5 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
6 As part of their attempt to rid themselves of a growing hooligan problem , the clubs agreed on Wednesday to begin converting their grounds into all-seat stadiums and to petition the government for grant aid .
7 But having collected the first item on Alex Ferguson 's spring shopping list they hope it will prove to be the lever to rid themselves of a 25-year burden .
8 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
9 Like small birds , small mammals may occasionally indulge in mobbing to rid themselves of a feared killer .
10 To rid themselves of a purely intelligentsia base the party united with the Moscow Federation of Labour in 1991 and became the Party of Labour .
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