Example sentences of "to opt out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Kenneth Baker , the Secretary of State for Education , met with opposition to his proposals to weaken the structure of state education , notably by allowing comprehensive schools to opt out of the secondary system , and by giving more powers to parents in running schools , a latent veto for the middle-class .
2 This weekend doctors will receive the results of a poll for the BMA showing 73 per cent of GPs wanted to opt out of the commitment .
3 The decision to opt out of the requirement to scrummage changed the whole nature of the game .
4 The easiest way some choose to opt out of the obligations under the Single European Act is to ignore the Single Market directives .
5 Local management of schools , the opportunities to opt out of the local education authority system , and funding formulae dominated by per capita allocations come together to provide a force for the fragmentation of the education service rather than the more desirable decentralisation .
6 Then , out of the blue , Simon and Moscato announced after a considered assessment they had decided to opt out of the French national squad 's World Cup preparations .
7 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
8 The Council of EC Social Affairs Ministers has agreed concessions under which the UK has been allowed to opt out of the proposed EC Directive which imposes a maximum working week of 48 hours .
9 Hospitals are also encouraged to opt out of the NHS and become business-style ‘ self-governing trusts ’ competing for patients on a profit basis against other hospitals .
10 They debated more precise targeting of benefits , and persuading high earners to opt out of the state pension .
11 The treaty is being put to the vote again because last December 's EC summit in Edinburgh allowed Denmark to opt out of the treaty 's terms on defence co-operation , a common currency , supranational co-operation on police and legal matters , and ‘ union citizenship ’ .
12 As a fifth more radical possibility , might consumers be empowered by the professional care givers of an athenian local state and seek to opt out of the traditional services — persuading providers or purchasers to contract for alternatives ?
13 In the early 1970s , three-quarters of married women chose to opt out of the national insurance scheme .
14 There is , however , a further problem here : even if the required ‘ nationalisation ’ of possession were accomplished , it would not be possible to opt out of the international division of labour with other capitalist economies .
15 The issue is whether these men are to be allowed to opt out of the rule of law …
16 In addition , it seems likely that some , at least , of those who choose to opt out of the state or their employer 's scheme may end up dependant on state benefits at a later date , as the benefits from the money purchase schemes are unpredictable for both employee and dependants .
17 Murray wants to opt out of the deal but two deadlines have already passed for Kiam to raise the money and now a third , and perhaps final , one has fallen due this month , the end of the football season .
18 Given the decision to opt out of the social charter in Europe can the Prime Minister confirm that he is planning to fight the next general election on the slogan ’ Vote Tory for the lowest wages , least consultation and worst employment protection in Europe ’ ?
19 Will the Prime Minister confirm that because of his decision to opt out of the social charter —
20 Will the Prime Minister confirm that because of his decision to opt out of the social charter
21 Does he agree with the chairman of that industry , Sir Patrick Sheehy , that to opt out of the single currency would be a foolish measure ?
22 thought that it was about privatisation or opting out of the health service , because the Labour party was putting about pamphlets saying such things as ’ Now the Government is forcing our hospitals to opt out of the NHS . ’
23 But is not the Prime Minister 's decision to opt out of the social charter — — ’ opt out ’ were the words that he used — an admission that , after 12 years of Tory rule , the economy is not as sound , robust and healthy as the Government try to claim but is so fragile that it can not support the most basic workers ' rights that will be enjoyed in the rest of Europe ?
24 Therefore , when it came to the social charter , when we really would have liked to influence events , Britain was left with no negotiating power , few friends and only one course of action — to opt out of the social dimension altogether .
25 permission from the Association of Northern Ireland Car Clubs to opt out of the NI championship for one year only , but they have agreed and so will be running the event for vintage , historic and class cars only , ’ says William Heaney of the TSCC .
26 The government 's already allowed seventeen hospitals to opt out of the control of their local health boards .
27 And just that the proposals if you want to opt out of the homework timetable then they can but they 've got ta let
28 Okay , so once it 's signed and accepted , the client , does their part of the bargain , i.e. pays their premiums , then there 's no way we can decide to opt out of the contract ,
29 We ca n't decide to opt out of the contract
30 The Foreign Office lawyers were caught on the hop , leaving junior minister Garel-Jones to tell the Commons that if the Labour amendment went through , excising the protocol which allows Britain to opt out of the social chapter , the whole treaty would have to be torn up and all 12 countries begin the painful process again .
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