Example sentences of "coincides with [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thus in the line from Yeat 's When You are Old , " Murmur , a little sadly , how love fled " the first weak beat coincides with no syllable and the second weak beat with two .
2 The decision , reports Phil Wisdom , coincides with a shortage of disease-free seed from other sources , is expected to send demand for SACRAC 's seed soaring after years of research and marketing .
3 Not without biblical significance , the exhibition marks the artist 's seventieth birthday and coincides with a revival of interest in his work .
4 His conclusion coincides with a tide of concern among mainstream researchers about possible failings in their predictions of a warmer world .
5 As shown , the inversion breakpoint which disrupted the duplicated region coincides with a boundary of the cluster duplication event , but this need not have been the case .
6 They are displayed with a large fresco and the exhibition coincides with a survey of Cinalli 's recent work , emphasising his large pastel drawings on tissue paper , which is taking place at the Accademia Italiana ( 16 February-14 March ) and will then be shown in Argentina , Spain , Sweden and Russia .
7 Its publication coincides with a film being shown in Jakarta and other cities that depicts a larger-than-life Suharto fighting the Dutch in the war of independence , his crushing of the 1965 attempted communist coup , and other exciting matters .
8 It could be , for instance , that every tenth house in a street coincides with a building plan which has larger houses at intervals and these are over-sampled .
9 The high lifetime exposure in area A coincides with a clustering of observed lung cancer deaths .
10 It became clear too , that El Niño coincides with a fall in the trade wind , normally blowing across the Pacific from east to west ( from America to Asia ) , a fall known as the ‘ Southern Oscillation ’ .
11 The stopping of laminated sediment deposition after the 4.4Myr event ( Fig. 1 ) coincides with a shift in silica production from the equatorial Pacific to the Antarctic circumpolar ocean .
12 The influx coincides with a boom in the building sector , which has been spurred further by the need for housing for the refugees themselves .
13 ‘ AN upsurge in Russian naval activity has mystified Western intelligence and led to speculation that ships and submarines have been sent to sea to prevent them causing trouble at home … the increased activity coincides with a statement by the navy 's chief , Admiral Vladimir Chernavin , detailing ambitious — and expensive — plans for powerful aircraft battle groups able to operate independently anywhere in the world .
14 Adjust your times so that your ETA at the holding point coincides with a time based on your last acknowledged position report , and flight plan for times for each section of the route .
15 If this flowering season coincides with a period of terrible weather , you could lose the entire crop for that year .
16 He described human infants as being likely to experience problems in the regulation of breathing , such as those associated with the sudden infant death syndrome , because their anatomical and neurological immaturity coincides with a period of change that is specific to humans , that of the acquisition and use of language .
17 This pattern coincides with a number of structural features , including mid-oceanic ridges , mountain belts , oceanic trenches and volcanic island arcs .
18 The Masters invariably coincides with a wind chill factor in this country .
19 Today , the northern boundary of the savannah runs east-west , just north of the latitude of Khartoum in central Sudan , and generally coincides with the 100mm isohyet .
20 This coincides with the opening of the polytechnics and the ‘ centres of excellence ’ around 1968 , and indicates that the new Division was well-timed to absorb the resulting growth .
21 The announcement of the American Academy in Berlin coincides with the opening of other significant German facilities in the States .
22 Its launch coincides with the opening of a Brazilian congressional inquiry into the alleged " internationalization " of the Amazon by Western governments and environmentalists .
23 Mr Charles ' visit to Liverpool coincides with the opening of the exhibition A Day In The Life Of Black Los Angeles , which is showing at Liverpool 's Blackie and Open Eye galleries .
24 As budgeting is an integral part of any business plan , it is usually preferable both to express the plan and to review it on an annual basis that coincides with the firm 's accounting year .
25 When using the daisy as a border in conjunction with the edging , ensure that the centre of the daisy coincides with the centre of either the upward arc of the yellow section or the downward curve of the white section or alternatively one then the other ( as in the sample ) .
26 Each corner of each cube coincides with the centre of the body of another .
27 Some believe that new plants flourish if their early growth coincides with the growing of a new moon .
28 The exhibition coincides with the publication of a book by Ralph Jentsch The artist and the book in twentieth-century Italy , published by Umberto Allemandi , Turin ( 341pp. 480 b/w and 120 col. ills .
29 it coincides with the publication of the paperback version of the book .
30 The exhibition coincides with the publication of Within Tuscany ( Viking Penguin ) , Spender 's account of his working and family life woven into chapters of historical information .
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