Example sentences of "participate in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where the political imperative with the West was to avoid being conquered and dominated , the issue with Japan 's Asian neighbours was whether Japan should participate in the new imperialist domination .
2 They agreed that east European governments would participate in the new European Environment Agency [ see below ] with a view to standardizing environmental practice and regulations throughout Europe .
3 Rabuka had by June 2 secured an understanding with the FLP leader Mahendra Chaudry according to which the FLP would participate in the new legislature .
4 In a statement on Aug. 28 Prince Sihanouk told reporters that Pol Pot and two other Khmer Rouge leaders , Ieng Sary and Chit Choeun ( Ta Mok ) , would not participate in the future UNTAC-controlled elections .
5 Hips and elbows must have been X-rayed and have received excellent results , but further more , all dogs must participate in the Swedish mental test .
6 Members themselves will participate in the final selection .
7 It would not be appropriate to make it a condition of sale , as is required by new clause 4 , that new companies should participate in the existing pension scheme .
8 By Sept. 26 the Syrian government had indicated that it would not participate in the planned third stage of the conference — the multilateral discussions on regional issues — unless Israel had first showed that it was willing to withdraw from Arab land occupied in 1967 .
9 In six weeks , people gained the literacy skills to vote and participate in the political process ( Freire , 1973 ) .
10 The Conservative emphasis on incentives , initiative and the spirit of enterprise may well improve average living standards , but there is a danger that not all people will participate in the general prosperity .
11 In early May FIS representatives said that the party would participate in the general election subject to certain " guarantees " being given by the government .
12 Uncertainty continued over whether the fundamentalist Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) would participate in the general election to be held on Dec. 26 .
13 These findings , with the clinical risk study , might form a reasonable explanation for our 5 positive samples , and raise new insights that the CSF AChE-AD may not be specific for AD and may participate in the long biochemical and pathological abnormality of not only AD but also organic dementia .
14 Two of the Group 's largest companies , Wood Group Engineering Contractors and Rolls Wood Group , are now well underway with Total Quality Management programmes and further companies will participate in the current year .
15 This year , two million students will participate in the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative .
16 These data suggest that cyclic nucleotides may participate in the pathophysiological processes of coeliac disease .
17 If we actually , very quickly , which round the world was meant to be , erm , those of you which are familiar with other countries , what about women in , say America , Ashley , are , are they , do they participate in the same way as they do here ?
18 It is clear that the main prisons in which they are held are no longer overcrowded and that if they choose to do so , these prisoners can participate in the full range of activities .
19 Let us participate in the Holy Spirit of of life fighting for our life on this earth in solidarity with all living peace .
20 On May 3 all seven registered political parties decided that they would not participate in the proposed assembly , in view of the Military Council 's determination to continue the suspension of political activity .
21 But he felt no exhilaration , and he did not participate in the public celebrations after the surrender of the Japanese ; the noise of the fireworks actually disturbed him more than the bombs of the blitz .
22 An NLD spokesperson announced on Jan. 29 , 1990 , that a recent NLD conference had decided that the NLD would participate in the forthcoming elections , contesting 452 of the 492 constituencies .
23 It was reported on Dec. 3 , 1990 , that the leader of the Moslem Community Group of Ceuta , Ahmed Subaire , had announced the formation of a new political group , Iniciativa por Ceuta ( Initiative for Ceuta ) , which , he said , would participate in the forthcoming municipal elections .
24 Jorge del Castillo of the main opposition American Popular Revolutionary Alliance ( APRA , whose secretary-general Alan García Pérez had gone to ground following the April presidential coup — see p. 38846 ) , announced on May 15 that the party would not participate in the municipal elections , still scheduled to take place in November 1992 .
25 These activated cellular oncogenes by HPV DNA may participate in the malignant transformation of cervical cells .
26 He promised ( i ) to drop immediately the 10 per cent tax on imports ; ( ii ) to eliminate Central Bank financing of the National Treasury , except for guaranteed financing provisions , and to streamline fiscal accounts to avoid deficits ; ( iii ) to combat speculation ; ( iv ) to end private and public monopolies ; ( v ) to introduce tax reforms at the beginning of the new year aimed at simplifying the tax system and making it more progressive to " make everyone participate in the national effort " ; and ( vi ) to carry out an administrative reform in the state sector with some state companies to be privatized .
27 On Feb. 10 , 15 of the 23 parties which had contested the municipal elections had said that they would not participate in the legislative elections .
28 He argues that in the absence of diminishing returns to production of the intermediate or final good , or some element of product differentiation at intermediate or final levels , or the need for a firm 's intermediate product division to be held to being competitive , then vertically integrated firms will not participate in the intermediate good market .
29 In contrast , an object would participate in the universal object goodness or yellowness without having to have parts which participate in some universal parts of that universal object .
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