Example sentences of "exchanged a few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 We exchanged a few sentences .
2 I went into a small room and handed my Service Pay Book to the Waaf Officer seated behind the desk , and I suppose we exchanged a few words .
3 She smiled , and exchanged a few words with him ; then others came to say farewell .
4 Cameron Evans , Secretary for the Hunt Saboteurs Association , exchanged a few words with the Master of the hunt , Fred Barker .
5 Many of the prisoners smiled and exchanged a few words either directly with the governor or with people in our party .
6 He exchanged a few words with Hodai , then rode away again .
7 They exchanged a few words in what sounded like Spanish .
8 She exchanged a few words with the shift supervisor , a dour Scot named Rachel McBride , and was told a message had been sent to Belial confirming their arrival and condition .
9 After the programme we exchanged a few words , but he had to dash off to another engagement .
10 The Chief Detective Inspector who would later take on the investigation looked in , and exchanged a few words with the Detective-Sergeant .
11 The phone was handed over to Erika , who confirmed the trip and then gave the phone to her mother , who exchanged a few banalities and then handed it to Omi , who cooed and clucked and finally returned it to Herr Nordern who said , briefly , that they all looked forward very much to seeing Karl again and firmly replaced the receiver before anyone else could claim it .
12 They exchanged a few banalities and then Patrick asked : ‘ You 're quite sure you did not have golf clubs in your car when you went to Romania ? ’
13 He exchanged a few pleasantries with Jeane the Amazon , and collected on a small cocaine deal with a Senior Lecturer in Romance Languages .
14 We exchanged a few pleasantries ; I used words which would give her an idea of my station without patronising her .
15 Charity exchanged a few pleasantries , then , at a look from her mother , excused herself to go off to the kitchen , leaving Leonora alone with Mrs Vaughan .
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