Example sentences of "committed [pn reflx] to [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 He committed himself to helping the future of rugby when he was elected president of a relaunched Young England Club .
2 The deposed king had announced his decision to return at the end of May , when he committed himself to promoting democracy and announced that he was planning to sponsor an interim multiparty government of national consensus which would include members of the military .
3 I believe that he committed himself to assuring that he would never be party to such a thing again if he could prevent it .
4 Accusing President George Bush of pursing a foreign policy which was " reactive , rudderless and erratic " , he committed himself to maintaining close ties with Europe and NATO , repudiated protectionism , and promised economic assistance for Russia .
5 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued a historic Manifesto .
6 In desperation the Tsar appointed Witte to handle the crisis , committed himself to creating a unified cabinet under Witte 's premiership , and on 17 October issued an historic Manifesto .
7 Terry Lewis was a voyeur , an observer of life who never committed himself to becoming part of it .
8 Confronted by noble resistance and alarmed by foreign upheaval , Nicholas had shelved the issue and committed himself to upholding the status quo at home and abroad .
9 After the banks ' nationalisation he sold most of his interests in the dozen or so companies he had created and drawn his wealth from , and committed himself to combating the existing political system .
10 The government had on Sept. 29 committed itself to holding another referendum on divorce [ for 1986 referendum see p. 34758 ] .
11 Following a referendum in 1980 , Sweden committed itself to phasing out its 12 nuclear power stations by the year 2010 ( even through nuclear power provides 45 per cent of the country 's electricity ) .
12 By approving Bevin 's statement the conference committed itself to accepting National Service in peacetime for the first time ever .
13 In December it put another million into the Univel Inc joint venture with Novell Inc , where it has a 45% ownership interest , and committed itself to providing another $4m to fund on-going operations .
14 India committed itself to training Kirgiz students in agriculture , banking , management and foreign service .
15 Prime Minister Aleksandras Abisala and Yegor Gaidar , acting Prime Minister of Russia , signed an economic co-operation agreement on Oct. 12 , under which Russia committed itself to resuming oil and gas supplies to Lithuania .
16 The National Party had in March 1990 committed itself to maintaining the ban which then ceased to be a domestic political issue .
17 The government also committed itself to meeting all the foreign exchange requirements of exploration companies , which were paid for their share of oil and gas in local currency .
18 In 1980 , however , the government committed itself to meeting standards by 1985 .
19 Declaring that " corruption , indiscipline , mismanagement , tribalism , nepotism , injustice and thuggery " were rampant , the NPRC committed itself to returning the country to multiparty democracy in the " shortest possible time " .
20 Regarding environmental issues , the Group of Seven in the final declaration ( i ) committed itself to undertake " common efforts to limit emissions of greenhouse gases " ; ( ii ) reiterated its support for the negotiation of a " framework convention on climate change " under the auspices of the UN ; ( iii ) committed itself to negotiating a " global forest convention " in order to curb deforestation and protect biological diversity ; and ( iv ) agreed to co-operate with Brazil on a programme to protect the tropical rain forests in that country .
21 The Thatcher government in particular , throughout its terms of office , repeatedly committed itself to cutting the burden of taxation , and thereby to increasing incentives and encouraging enterprise and initiative .
22 Spain 's Alcatel Sesa SA has taken control of two Polish companies , PZT Telkom , which employs 640 people in Warsaw , and Teletra , which has about 1,300 employees making public telephone exchanges ; Alcatel Sesa said it would guarantee jobs for 1,650 people at the two firms for the next 18 months and committed itself to increasing the capital of the two companies by another $25m within a year ; it plans to start manufacturing the Alcatel 1000 S-12 exchange in Poland , where it says it has already built eight digital exchanges in Poland with a $60m credit that was put up by the Spanish government .
23 But in 1920 the economy began to decline , unemployment rose and the government committed itself to following the advice of the Cunliffe Committee to return to the gold standard by 1925 .
24 The value was set as of Oct. 22 at ECU1=NKr7.9940 , and Norway committed itself to remaining within the narrow 2.25 per cent fluctuation band .
25 Earlier this year ICI committed itself to making information on its waste generation available to the public .
26 Following the talks a joint communiqué reiterated both governments ' adherence to the protocol signed in Damascus in August 1987 , and in addition Turkey committed itself to releasing more than the current 500 cubic metres of water a second to Syria .
27 The Secretary of State , Virginia Bottomley , at once committed herself to finding an urgent solution to the problem of maintaining the treatment of discharged patients suffering from chronic mental illness , who can all too easily be missed by current community psychiatric services .
28 If you committed yourself to doing every exercise in Part Two in the order given , you would miss an opportunity to ‘ listen to the whispers ’ which guide you towards what you need , right now , as a unique individual .
29 On Nov. 27 , following direct talks brokered by the UN , dos Santos and Savimbi issued the " Namibie Declaration " in which they committed themselves to accepting the Bicesse Peace Accord and implementing a ceasefire , and to a continuing UN presence in the country .
30 Not just Russia , but all the major European countries , committed themselves to banning non-Turkish warships from the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles when the Ottoman Empire was at peace .
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