Example sentences of "distinguishes it from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Feminist criticism , like Marxist , is avowedly evaluative , which sharply distinguishes it from the generality of current academic criticism , of whatever school .
2 For Locke , the regulation by reason of ‘ faith ’ , or ‘ belief ’ based on revelation , distinguishes it from the ‘ ungrounded fancies ’ , ‘ the conceits of a warmed and over-weening brain ’ , which are characteristic of ‘ enthusiasm ’ .
3 It is the ability of love to transform in this way that , in Tillich 's view , distinguishes it from the Buddhist concept of compassion .
4 The answer is that this third human state has a special feature that distinguishes it from the other two ( the inner and the outer states ) in that it is a zone for cultural experience or creative playing .
5 It is the overdetermined character of the materialist dialectic that distinguishes it from the Hegelian dialectic .
6 Johnny Rotten sings flat , the song is laughably naive , and the overall feeling is of a third-rate Who imitation , but even so there 's a certain neurotic aggression that distinguishes it from the rest of this week 's insipid bunch . ’
7 The fact that it aims to provide a systematic account of time use is what distinguishes it from the literary diary .
8 For example , yellow-orange CL of calcite generally distinguishes it from the darker red-crimson of dolomite , and feldspars are very bright blues , reds or greens compared with subdued violets and browns for quartz grains .
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