Example sentences of "attempts [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even the article ‘ Conductor ’ in the New Grove dictionary of opera is , unfortunately , misleading : for all its caution , it attempts to paint the whole period from 1750 to Napoleon , and in doing so unjustifiably reinforces certain impressions we recall from the powerful pens of the Encyclopedists :
2 Any teacher who tries to devise a syllabus for a music class that will appeal to the members of the class for its relevance , or who attempts to attract the English class by giving them things to read or act that will speak to them in their own language is in danger of falling into the trap of ‘ thinking down ’ to his pupils , of condescending to them .
3 In it , Houston attempts to relate the familiar interruptions of television narration to questions of desire , differentiating the production of the subject specific to television from that of cinema :
4 He also contends that if one attempts to isolate the judgemental aspect and base the perceptual claim upon what remains , all we have is behaviour and the ‘ sensory data ’ , which is not perception ( 1980 : 118–20 ) .
5 It attempts to modify the electric currents in the ionosphere during a display of the lights and to observe the results .
6 A highly selective bibliography produced by the Book Trust , which annually attempts to choose the best children 's books for a range of ages .
7 Compadrazgo is a compromise which attempts to combine the best of friendship with the advantages of kinship ( Foster 1967 ) .
8 The male reads it loud and clear and quickly attempts to avoid the sharp claws that are lunging towards him .
9 Since 1980 , the Home Office has collected its own crime figures through the British crime survey , which attempts to gauge the total number of crimes committed rather than those notified to the police .
10 It attempts to identify the significant differences between a course designed primarily for users and a course designed for specialists who may also become future developers and implementers .
11 This attempts to identify the salient points in this section and to relate the predator biases to the habitats occupied by the predators .
12 This entails study of three approaches to econometric analysis : the ‘ parametric ’ , where relatively strong assumptions are made , and relatively precise conclusions can be drawn ; the ‘ nonparametric ’ , where the assumptions are vague and the conclusions imprecise ; and the ‘ adaptive ’ , which falls somewhere in between in respect of the assumptions made , but attempts to rival the parametric approach in the nature of its conclusions .
13 There has been no technical report which attempts to weigh the economic and environmental costs and benefits of the various options and certainly no technical report which concluded by recommending in favour of an outer northern route .
14 For example , Askew ( 1983 ) has produced a welfare model which attempts to resolve the efficiency-equity conflict inherent in public facility location modelling .
15 You also ca n't help noticing that attempts to drag the Royal Family into the 20th Century have failed as badly as attempts to do the same for this other great British anachronism .
16 In them Luke attempts to summarise the whole life and work of Jesus .
17 IN TRYING to split off nine-tenths of ambulance drivers ' journeys as ‘ non-emergency , ’ Mr Kenneth Clarke attempts to separate the inseparable .
18 One major reason why many individuals may shy away from a very redistributive budget or a generous negative income tax scheme is that they fear that attempts to share the economic cake ( GNP ) more evenly will reduce its size because of disincentive effects .
19 Chapter 4 sets out , by way of contrast , an approach to the allocation of risk and reward between the parties , based on a compromise which attempts to satisfy the reasonable aspirations of both parties .
20 Here Althusser attempts to analyse the general form of ideology as opposed to theorizing particular ideologies ‘ which in whatever their form ( religious , ethical , legal , political ) , always express class positions ’ ( Althusser 1971 : 150 ) .
21 Tomorrow Eubank expects to attract a reasonable crowd to Manchester to watch him floor another no-hoper , Juan Carlos Giminez of Paraguay , as he doggedly attempts to squeeze the last pound from his slight talent .
22 Figure 1 attempts to summarize the above arguments and I hope that this will serve to facilitate comprehension where it is needed .
23 Laura Davies , whose aim at the beginning of the year was to win on both sides of the Atlantic , again attempts to complete the second leg of her target .
24 The preceding chapters have described a script recognition system which attempts to overcome the inherent problem of ambiguity present in handwriting .
25 Piaget attempts to map the increasing capacity for abstraction implied by the symbolic function , showing that in this development , language , which depends on an entirely conventional relationship between sign and signified , is bound to come at a relatively late stage .
26 The local fieldworker needs to give serious consideration to this if he attempts to explain the pre-medieval settlements in his area .
27 Subsequent analyses by Porter ( 1985 ) , and critics of Porter , described in chapter 4 , suggest that figure 4.3 attempts to push the financial differences between different types of SBU too far .
28 It would require direct negotiations between the ASEAN and Indo-Chinese states towards a resolution of the Kampuchean problem and the provision of guarantees against further external ( interpreted as Thai and by extension American ) attempts to unseat the Vietnamese-installed regime in Kampuchea .
29 You also ca n't help noticing that attempts to drag the Royal Family into the 20th Century have failed as badly as attempts to do the same for this other great British anachronism .
30 These novels can be read as attempts to reconstruct the fragmentary apprehension of the past .
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