Example sentences of "casting [adv prt] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Casting around for a task for the Crown Prince , Palace advisers had considered putting him to work leading a development campaign within the Commonwealth , before the inner-city initiative seized his imagination .
2 The company spent some two years casting around for a successor to its best-selling computer and finally came up with a machine called Lisa named after the daughter of the company 's founder Steve Jobs .
3 Casting around for a suitable envoy to go out to Australia on behalf of a contrite British government , the choice fell on Major Julian Layton , an active promoter of the refugee cause whose experience encompassed several weeks on the Isle of Man liaising with the civil administration .
4 Skinner , who ticked me off yesterday for suggesting his vote had fallen , is off after 14 years , leaving my colleagues on the Sun distraught and casting around for a new NEC contact .
5 Well , the shah did fall , and the bureaucrats started casting around for a replacement .
6 Final configuration and pricing has yet to be finalised , the firm says , and it is still casting around for a name , although Series 200 has been mooted .
7 The news when Rain reached the office was that Tavett was again being questioned by the police ; there were insistent rumours of a row between Maureen and Barron ; the freedom of speech people were muttering obscenities because their latest attempt at a cartoon had been rejected ; and the Patriotic Ten were casting around for a fresh mind to help them get their statement into publishable form .
8 When first envisaged , then , the lectures were not seen as the core of a forthcoming book , even though ( with their Wagnerian connection ) they bore on his current preoccupation — and even though he was currently casting around for a subject for a book .
9 Casting around for a safe topic , she remembered that she had not introduced herself .
10 Casting about for a sighting , she suddenly saw one of the dogs about a quarter of a mile away .
11 There are also stressed forms , / / and / / , used when the word is emphasised or used by itself when the speaker is casting about for a substantive .
12 Occasionally one would disappear in the direction of the High Street , casting about for an interesting sniff , hoping perhaps to discover a fox in the vicinity of the cut-price chemist .
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