Example sentences of "reminiscent of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So the line , ‘ Shape without form , shade without colour ’ , is reminiscent of the essential beginning when ‘ the earth was without form , and void , ’ but what follows is not a creation and a bringing of light , but only an impotence , ‘ Paralysed force , gesture without motion ’ , bringing a twilight .
2 Take the First Quartet : while the Brodskys play all the notes in the right place and have a scrupulous regard for the tempos and the dynamics , it is the Fitzwilliam Quartet that captures the uneasy mood ( reminiscent of the contemporary Fifth Symphony ) behind the seemingly placid surface .
3 It is in these countries , particularly in the United States and the United Kingdom , that significant upturns in the economy have done little to relieve a sense of urban crisis reminiscent of the 1960s , although the political terms of debates that address urban problems have changed dramatically over this time .
4 He was the nephew of Wulfhere and it is reminiscent of the political alignments of Wulfhere 's day that the southern Saxons should have supported him against Hlothhere .
5 The area was littered with the carcases of livestock in scenes reminiscent of the 1984–85 famine that left up to a million dead and prompted Bob Geldof 's Band Aid campaign .
6 With its splashes of red standing out from the swirling whiteness of the snowstorm , this tableau combines the decorative and the dramatic in a manner reminiscent of the finest Japanese prints .
7 In a move reminiscent of the 1991 summit which had ended with meetings between G-7 leaders and former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev , G-7 leaders held post-summit talks with Russian President Boris Yeltsin who had been formally invited in June .
8 Why had such disputes reverted to a pattern of disorder more reminiscent of the nineteenth than twentieth century ?
9 The scene was more reminiscent of the nineteenth century than the twenty-first .
10 The massive pillars of its nave are very reminiscent of the Norman splendours of Durham cathedral .
11 The reduction in the mid-latitude ozone maximum has also been noted for the Antarctic and the overall figure is reminiscent of the Southern Hemisphere spring total ozone distribution , albeit with an ozone hole of smaller total area .
12 This Labour is highly reminiscent of the Babylonian myth of the Garden of Eden brought back by the Hebrews from captivity and incorporated with modifica-tions into Genesis , as the apples of the Tree of Death , with Satan in the guise of the snake ( see p. 158 below ) .
13 It is easy to see that this was a practical means of enclosing a large volume which then could be used for the storage of grain , and the profile is reminiscent of the gambrel-roofed hay barns in the USA .
14 Consideration was given to several different job evaluation schemes and , finally , a points-rated scheme somewhat reminiscent of the Hay-MSL approach was adopted .
15 It is reminiscent of the Swiss church of Zillis ( p. 155 ) , showing circles filled with figure compositions depicting biblical scenes .
16 The leaders of eight republics signed a treaty on economic " community " on Oct. 18 ( the word " union " was considered too reminiscent of the former Soviet set-up ) .
17 Others may be in a Celtic tradition , such as one from Twyford ( Leicestershire ) with a moulded ox-head on the escutcheon ( Hawkes and Smith 1957 ) , and that from Souldern ( Oxfordshire ) ( Kennett 1975 ) whose stylised anthropomorphic face is reminiscent of the late prehistoric bucket from Aylesford ( Kent ) ( Evans 1890 , p. 363 ) .
18 The idea is reminiscent of the transformational reformist principle of the best elements of the second international .
19 This is reminiscent of the hypothetical primal horde where the tribal father kept the women to himself and allowed the sons to remain in the family on sufferance ’
20 Based upon the iconography of the Roman Empire and of the late Byzantine emperors , the scene showed the anti-pope , Gregory VIII ( 1118 – 21 ) , under the foot of Pope Calixtus , the victor , who is trampling his victim in a way reminiscent of the victorious emperors of the past .
21 There are two flights of broad steps at right angles to each other , descending to the paved courtyard : the arrangement is reminiscent of the Theatral Area at Knossos , though at Phaistos it is located in the north-east corner of the West Court .
22 In this extract the hero approaches Stonehenge : Some readers have found the human sacrifice image ‘ juvenile ’ , and it is reminiscent of the general level of The Vale of Esthwaite ; but in Wordsworth 's defence one must point out that everybody believed that Stonehenge had been the scene of human sacrifice , and continued to do so until this century ( see , for instance , Hardy 's Tess of the D'Urbervilles ) .
23 These elements were incorporated in Richard Upjohn 's designs for the Boston and Lowell terminus in Boston ( 1835 ) and for Norton , Massachusetts , while a style reminiscent of the Nonconformist chapel in England appeared at Boston Haymarket or New Bedford , Massachusetts .
24 On April 10 , the Press Council declared that the proposed changes were reminiscent of the 1925 Takrir-e Sukun ( law of silence ) and " were in no way relevant to 1990s Turkey " , while on April 11 the Journalists ' Association accused the government of wanting to " destroy the right of reporting altogether " .
25 This ‘ mini-apartheid ’ was reminiscent of the colonial era , when parts of China were out of bounds to its own people .
26 Charles belongs , moreover , to a cast of outcasts , monsters , hustlers and impostors which composes a literary London reminiscent of the early novels of Muriel Spark , and far from brutally inauthentic .
27 Curiously , the Zakro temple is oriented with its corners , not its sides , facing the cardinal compass points : in this respect , it is reminiscent of the early ‘ proto-temple ’ at Vasiliki .
28 Yet despite their insistence on a new form of human experience ( one which is curiously reminiscent of the early sociologists ' insistence that late nineteenth and early twentieth societies were emerging into a new society which was leaving behind gemeinschaft relations of blood and community ) it is somewhat surprising to find that contemporary postmodern theorists give only schematic attention to human consciousness and agency .
29 This has spawned and sustained a shop stewards ' movement reminiscent of the 1970s .
30 Whereas Duke 's challenge was reminiscent of the four presidential bids between 1964 and 1976 by the racist Alabama governor George Wallace , Buchanan 's campaign contained older resonances of the isolationist movement of the 1930s as championed by Charles Lindbergh .
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