Example sentences of "to relate [pers pn] to the " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this chapter is to examine some possible answers to these questions and to relate them to the clinical situation .
2 Film historians have spent a good deal of time debating the significance of the gangster films and attempting to relate them to the whole ethos of the Wall Street crash and the onset of the depression .
3 The task of sociology is to develop tools and modes of understanding these different patterns and responses and to relate them to the broad strands of historical change .
4 We may need to devote more attention to helping the teacher discern their effects and to relate them to the intentions .
5 Fairly detailed criterion statements are considered in order to relate them to the test questions used , which themselves are derived from the foundation list topics .
6 We have yet to integrate them one with another , and we have yet to relate them to the practical demands of learning and teaching foreign languages .
7 He made many observations of atmospheric electricity , and tried to relate them to the weather .
8 An alternative explanation for price rises , for example , has been to relate them to the amount of money in circulation or the bullion value of the coinage .
9 In traditional manner Rolle treats the gifts of the Holy Spirit listed as Wisdom , Understanding , Counsel , Might , Knowledge Piety and Fear of the Lord in Isaiah 11 in the inverted hierarchical order Counsel , Understanding , Wisdom to relate them to the process of withdrawal from the world and achievement of that inner discretion which is the ground of contemplation ; he then deals with strength , piety , knowledge and the fear of the Lord itemised as forces which stimulate man to self-knowledge and help the soul to endure against sin , all aspects of a more active spirituality .
10 It is understood therefore , that , as part of the pupil 's exploration of aspects of religion and morality , he/she will have access to these five main elements of the Mysteries of the Faith , and the opportunity to relate them to the particular issue/topic being explored .
11 ‘ The first impulse of every critic of postmodernism ’ , Ihab Hassan recently suggested , ‘ is still to relate it to the semanteme it contains : namely , modernism ’ ( Hassan 1987a : 214 ) .
12 I have cast this account in the past tense in order to relate it to the developments of the late 1960s , although I know that much of this shape and many of these assumptions have survived .
13 Because we try to relate it to the real world .
14 During the past ten years considerable attempts have been made in education to develop understanding of the management of change and , in particular , to relate it to the curriculum needs of institutions ( Wilcox , 1978 ; Rudduck , 1981 ; Oldroyd et al , 1984 ; Easen , 1985 ; Hughes et al , 1985 ; DES , 1985c ) .
15 His story had been absorbing and very revealing ; it was difficult to relate it to the other , more menacing side of him .
16 Historians will seek to understand the late twentieth century in order to relate it to the collective identities and experiences of their own period .
17 He was very much a social novelist and to appreciate the moral significance of his novels you have to relate it to the actual society that it reflects and often criticises .
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