Example sentences of "thou [verb] [vb base] me " in BNC.

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1 It is a form of brainwashing , or what that pioneer in the study of learning processes , Gregory Bateson , called corrective learning , that information-seeking activity whereby a person attempts to ‘ achieve a congruence between ‘ something in his head ’ and the external world … by altering what is in his head ’ — only in this case it is what is in Iago 's head , ‘ If thou dost love me ’ , Othello says to Iago , ‘ Show me thy thought ’ ; earlier he had said that Iago hesitated .
2 When on this point , I have pearch 'd thy father 's soule , Ile tender thee this bloody reeking hand Drawne forth the bowels of that murtherer : If thou canst love me then , I'le marry thee , And for thy father lost , get thee a Sonne ; On no condition else .
3 In 89 , a poem of infidelity ( ‘ Say that thou didst forsake me for some fault ’ ) , the Poet abases himself , vowing to perform all kinds of penance in order to win the Friend back , including never mentioning his name again in case he ‘ haply of our old acquaintance tell ’ : it is over , in the past .
4 Thou didst prevent me ; I had peopled else
5 Thou didst betray me to a lingering book
6 Thou didst touch me , and I have burned for thy peace and growth in mystical knowledge concerned a process of recognition of the nature of God 's involvement with his creatures in time .
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