Example sentences of "destined for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So it will be some time before they 've sorted out all the flowers and shrubs destined for a new home .
2 The shipment of 16.48 kilograms of 93 per cent enriched uranium is destined for a 14-megawatt research reactor at Potesti , which was supplied by the California-based General Atomics company in the 1970s .
3 So , is the Zemaitis destined for a working , or a purely ornamental life ?
4 One of the city workers , who is undoubtedly destined for a successful career as a politician or an actor , had a gift for getting straight to he point : ‘ What 's the good of getting paid if you 've had your fingers chopped off ? ’
5 Since the Risorgimento in the nineteenth century , when the movement for political unification had taken place , Italy had experienced hard times and many political humiliations , so in 1929 , when Mussolini ended the friction between the Church and the State by signing a concordat with the Vatican , most people really believed that the country was destined for a great future .
6 Fraser 's relief at being able to resume a career that looked destined for a premature encounter with the scrapheap is manifest .
7 The Class 50 refurbishment programme was completed , although they are destined for a short life , while limited work was also carried out on Class 20s , 26s and 33s to see them through to the arrival of new designs .
8 Regalia of such splendour symbolized Catherine 's European standing as a despot , a species which however benevolent it might declare itself was destined for a short life .
9 Hobhouse was educated at Eton ( 1875–9 ) and Christ Church , Oxford , and seemed destined for a military career , attending the Royal Military College , Sandhurst .
10 Destined for a distinguished career in the Church of England he lost his hearing through illness within four years of his ordination .
11 ‘ XYZ ’ is the perfect kiss-off to everyone who raved against Moose in 1991 with such blinkered zeal , to all the people who sneered at shoe-gazing — a ‘ scene ’ defined , uniquely , by those who hated all of the bands they ill-informedly lumped together — for being one-dimensional and destined for a quick death .
12 Singled out from the dogs ' home Sorrel knew she was destined for a special life .
13 Cesar appears to have been destined for a clerical career from the start .
14 Foreign Minister Levi told the Knesset ( parliament ) on March 18 : " Those who carried out the murder and those who sent them are destined for a painful punishment .
15 Short bursts , each one destined for a chosen target .
16 Then pulled himself up short before he inadvertently mentioned Bliss 's warning that the shipment was destined for an Iranian terrorist faction .
17 Any spreadsheet files sent in DIF format to InteCalc will be converted to its own internal format or if destined for an external program they will be sent as text .
18 He was like the squirrel with his bright clear skin , his healthy curls and gleaming eyes : not at all a sullen , greedy , domestic beast , destined for an ignominious end .
19 Once Cash seemed destined for an early grave like his friends Elvis Presley and Roy Orbison .
20 One of it 's most famous clocks is this one in Cheltenham 's regent arcade ; another one-off is this replica of Big Ben — destined for an American client .
21 Destined for an Olympic medal ?
22 However , many projects — from America and Japan in particular — are destined for the European market .
23 However , this feature is even more evident in Grampian where 65% of exports are destined for the European Community , compared with 58% for Scotland as a whole .
24 They were clearly destined for the junior secondary , with no hope of passing the " qualie " .
25 Malcolm Hulke was a creator of Pathfinders , while Terry Nation , a close friend of Dennis Spooner , had contributed a sf script to ABC TV for a series called Out of this World , script-edited by Irene Shubik , soon to be brought to the BBC herself by Sydney Newman to helm his adult science fiction anthology series Out of the Unknown , destined for the new channel , BBC 2 .
26 The Racer X Board is also , says LSI , destined for the personal computer and Apple Computers Inc Macintosh markets .
27 He was obviously destined for the professional ranks and as I watched him I could see why .
28 In 1990 the level of manufactured exports destined for the Soviet Union has fallen to such an extent that it no longer features in Scotland 's Top 40 markets .
29 In Jesus the Spirit destined for the messianic days , the days of salvation , had come to stay .
30 The reason is that Younger is destined for the Upper House anyway — when he inherits the title of his father , Viscount Younger , 85 .
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