Example sentences of "dates [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Under option six , called ‘ other goodies ’ , you can analyse the data to report on the success rate at a particular fishing spot , or investigate any one angler 's record , plot water temperature versus the date , or find the full and new moon dates for a given year and month .
2 JOHN MELLENCAMP had to cancel tour dates for the second time in a month when bass player Toby Meyers was injured in a boating accident in Saratoga , New York .
3 I remember some years ago sharing a few dinner dates with a young lady who turned out to be one of Prince Charles 's old friends .
4 The offences were of varying degrees of gravity and the appellants have been given different release dates under the statutory provisions which have been under examination in these appeals .
5 Kopyion sat on a chair , staring out of half-blind eyes at the screens and eating dates from a little box on his lap .
6 Like Edfu and Dendera , Kom Ombo dates from the Ptolemaic period , the last spasm of ancient Egypt when a Hellenized dynasty ruled the country from Alexandria .
7 The bell tower dates from the eleventh-century and is the oldest in the Lombardy Romanesque style that still exists .
8 Its present form dates from the 1920s and since then it has been tested and explored rigorously ( though not without problems ) .
9 Images from Picasso 's eternally popular Vollard Suite , which dates from the early 1930s , bring between £8,000 and £12,000 plus — but these , though easy to like because of their smooth neo-classical style , are not coloured and were published in a fairly big edition .
10 The bridge , named after Francis Joseph 's empress , was blown up by the retreating Germans in 1944 and the present structure dates from the early 1960s .
11 The main building dates from the early 19th century .
12 It dates from the early part of the 19th century and was worked around the 1850s by Allaway and Henry Crawshay , the latter probably having connections with William Crawshay of Camp Mill , at Soudley .
13 Its present Baroque appearance dates from the early 18C with the statues on the attic attributed to the workshop of Braun .
14 Left The uneven struggle to read a newspaper on a train dates from the early days of rail travel .
15 The four-storey flour mill built of brick and weatherboarding on the River Lea dates from the early nineteenth century , and cast-iron columns were used , relatively early , for the interior structure .
16 It was begun c. 1140 , but the impressive arcaded façade dates from the early thirteenth century .
17 The central keep dates from the early twelfth century but concentric walling with mural towers was added during the Middle Ages , bringing its fortification up to date ( 526 ) .
18 Although no clear account of this episode dates from the early sixth century , Gregory 's evidence is confirmed by the chronicle of his own contemporary , Marius of Avenches .
19 This attractive stone house dates from the 1750s , and has been a hotel since the 1930s .
20 At S. George , which was a small abbey founded in 840 , most of the present church dates from the ninth to tenth century with the ninth century crypt as the earliest part .
21 It was built in brick over a long period ; the east end dates from the ninth century and the west from the tenth and eleventh while the vaults are mainly twelfth century .
22 The hall dates from the ninth century and is divided in the centre by a row of four circular columns with simple leaf capitals , like the design in S. John 's Chapel in the Tower of London ( 300 ) .
23 This is on a square plan and dates from the ninth century .
24 dates from the 1530s , when they were involved in a long-running battle to break the hold of the bishop of Lincoln , and secure a charter of incorporation for Newark .
25 The church itself dates from the fifth century but was altered in the fourteenth century .
26 Much of the machinery dates from the latter part of the 19th century , as evidenced by the extensive use of iron parts .
27 It dates from the latter half of the nineteenth century when improvements in local passenger transport allowed people to reside at greater distances from their workplaces .
28 A church was first consecrated there in AD 649 , but the present cathedral dates from the thirteenth century and is a monument to the Split school of architects who gave new life to the Romanesque style in Dalmatia .
29 The magnificent 300 feet campanile — the Torre Ghirlandina — dates from the thirteenth century .
30 This brick building replaces a stone Romanesque cathedral and dates from the thirteenth century onwards ( 565 ) .
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