Example sentences of "marked the end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It marked the end of a terrific F1 period for BRM throughout the 1.5-litre years .
2 While it may be debatable whether Suez marked the end of Britain 's imperial era , it undoubtedly blew away the mirage of coequality in the Anglo-American partnership .
3 Though 1660 marked the end of feudalism in its political aspect , in the sphere of private law it continued to cause many difficulties , which were not removed until 1925 .
4 But , despite initial successes in the eastern campaign , the military setbacks of the first winter in Russia marked the end of the ‘ sunny Hitler weather ’ — the run of the easy triumphs which had formed the corner-stone of the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
5 The end of the campaign in North Africa marked the end of the ‘ classic ’ phase of SAS warfare and the beginning of a period in which Stirling 's high-level contacts were to be sorely missed .
6 In 1685 the bloody Battle of Sedgemoor marked the end of the Duke of Monmouth 's attempt to take the throne from James II .
7 She felt suddenly dirtied by death , ashamed of the knowledge she had gained when she witnessed the cessation of breathing that marked the end of her parents ' lives , sad and sullied by the separations she had lived through .
8 What really marked the end of Webster fortunes was the policy pursued by the fourth and fifth baronets , both Godfreys .
9 After the bleak , tortured inconsistency of his last LP , ‘ Black Sheets Of Rain ’ — which marked the end of his solo deal with Virgin America and brought the final curtain down on his immediate life , post-Hüsker-Dü — ‘ Copper Blue ’ is , without doubt , the dawning of a new era .
10 The events of 1120 to 1123 marked the end of the primacy as Lanfranc and Anselm had conceived it .
11 The other was Vasiliki ware ; this marked the end of the pattern burnish technique and the beginning of a new finish , a reddish-brown wash deliberately applied unevenly in order to simulate the mottled texture of the stone vases that were at that time so fashionable in eastern Crete ( Figure 32C ) .
12 The agreement which marked the end of the dispute late in 1986 concluded that , since the preparation of teaching materials to support curriculum development had been a major burden on individual teachers , henceforth curriculum development should be supported by exemplars and other teacher materials prepared by secondees and voluntary working groups .
13 The author 's sounder proposition is that , when South Africa 's rulers at last ( perhaps too late ) released the one black leader they might strike a deal with , they marked the end of the period in which the words ‘ national liberation ’ had any meaning in Africa .
14 The failure of the General Strike in 1926 marked the end of any possibility that extra-parliamentary forms of left-wing mass politics could alter effectively the economic policy of the government .
15 Its destruction marred the prince 's reputation , and it marked the end of his military career .
16 ‘ The fall of La Rochelle ’ , writes Dr Gillingham , ‘ marked the end of the Angevin Empire . ’
17 A short ceremony in the king 's chamber at Westminster marked the end of the Angevin Empire , in the form which it had assumed under Henry II and his sons .
18 It marked the end of her aspirations as a dance teacher .
19 The Tokyo Olympics of 1964 marked the end of this period .
20 In Wales the second earl of Pembroke was allowed to enter his father 's offices without proof of age in August 1471 , which marked the end of Gloucester 's overall authority .
21 The retirement of Sergeant Merrey marked the end of another era — not only the departure of a friend and character , but the last of a long line of School Sergeants going back to the appointment of Sgt. Sash in 1888 .
22 This marked the end of English triumphs until the reign of Henry V , half a century on ; indeed , the futile campaign of 1359–60 already signalled that the peak of English success was passed .
23 This not only marked the end of the Brezhnev Doctrine , it also heralded a rapid disintegration of the Soviet position in Eastern Europe , and brought the Cold War very definitely to an end .
24 It marked the end of the Croatian Republic as a semi-autonomous nation and the final victory of Tito 's Communists in the civil war which had in effect been raging in Yugoslavia since 1941 .
25 It marked the end of the tunnel .
26 It also marked the end of Branson 's role as manager ; at his suggestion , Oldfield took on somebody else to supervise the tour .
27 It marked the end of the long process of transformations — starting with the seething leaves of the plant , then the reeking green stage of the first steepings , and the sulphurous yellow stage of the liquor before it was exposed to the air , then binding with the air , it gradually turned to blue .
28 This effectively marked the end of William Whitelaw 's service as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and he was succeeded at the beginning of December by Francis Pym .
29 Two establishments of furtive commerce which marked the end of the part of St Jude 's Street which even tried to be respectable .
30 The evictions marked the end of the squatters ' movement , which at its most successful had provided housing for some 10,000 people .
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