Example sentences of "keeping with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the same , the phrase ‘ pounce down upon ’ , like the word ‘ scamper ’ , is in keeping with the attitude to adventure which is still apparent even after the three commanders have found suitable wives and have won promotion to the rank of admiral as a result of successful expeditions in the Pacific .
2 It is in keeping with the teams of hawkers and stallholders in the square offering flapping birds , ice creams and drinks , postcards , souvenirs and packets of seed for the apparently endless flock of pigeons .
3 The former is patently not in keeping with the CAB 's open-door policy and results in unintended rationing of advice to other clients .
4 All of these specialists , however , are first and foremost generalist advice workers , in keeping with the CAB ethos of considering the ‘ whole ‘ person and not just extracting their debt problems .
5 But it was also in keeping with the felt rapidity of the descent into a new barbarism that the advance of lawlessness should be phrased within a much more compressed historical scenario .
6 It is also in keeping with the history of the square which has always been the centre for vendors and street artists .
7 Crossman ‘ regarded the Welsh proposals as reactionary , inadequate and miserable ’ ( Keith-Lucas and Richards 1978:218 ) and the Labour government began a fresh search for a solution more in keeping with the principles being adopted in England .
8 The court judged that their principles , objectives and methods conformed with the sharia ( Islamic law ) and was satisfied that they sought to preserve national unity , social peace , the socialist democratic system and socialist gains in keeping with the principles of the July 1952 and May 1971 revolutions .
9 It is our hope that the Department of Social Security will move in keeping with the findings of the all party parliamentary select committee on social security to correct this underfunding before the responsibility for meeting the cost of residential care in the community is transferred from the D S S to local authorities a year from now .
10 This is in keeping with the findings of others .
11 Informed of the conspiracy , Franco 's reaction was , at first sight , surprising , but entirely in keeping with the behaviour of a man whose responses were always based on strategy , never on emotion .
12 Nothing could have been less in keeping with the architect 's original intentions .
13 Nor is it in keeping with the call in the Health of the Nation for better information and understanding about the burden of mental illness .
14 Jane and Laura went on numerous shopping trips for antiques to Paris and , slowly , all the rooms in the château were redecorated in fabrics more in keeping with the building 's style and history .
15 Finally , masons laid a new stone floor , using reclaimed Craigleith stone and employing a simple and traditional pattern in keeping with the building .
16 The Santa Cruz Operation is reportedly going to change the name of Open Desktop to something more in keeping with the server : Open Server perhaps ?
17 The road alongside , formerly a stop-and-start affair , is now a fast two-track road less in keeping with the surroundings and giving less opportunity to admire the passing scene .
18 In keeping with the emphasis on liberalism , there was the idea that party competition should be restrained and moderate so that it would involve gradual change and only limited state intervention .
19 In keeping with the emphasis on parliamentarianism there was the idea that party power should reside within the parliamentary leadership alone .
20 A report from the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) confirmed that by Sept. 14 more than 70,000 prisoners had been exchanged between Iran and Iraq in keeping with the peace agreement concluded between the two countries on Aug. 15 [ see pp. 37667-68 ] .
21 Luke 's voice was soft , in keeping with the peace of the night , and she responded just as softly , not wanting to disturb the magic of the moment .
22 One of the candidates this year is the entire population of Peking , apparently in keeping with the tradition of off-beat nominees for the prize .
23 As a mark of respect , and in keeping with the tradition of the family , all the Denknetzeyans stayed at Le Richemond .
24 In keeping with the tradition of doing things in a big way , the Texas authorities have always built large prisons .
25 The raked-back headstock is scarfed-on behind the first fret , in keeping with the price category of the bass , but the use of Gotoh machines provides a classy finishing touch and makes adjustment positive and easy .
26 Participants were charged with ‘ creating a fine ideological environment ’ in keeping with the spirit of Deng 's spring reform offensive and a recent party politburo statement calling for opposition to ‘ Leftism ’ — code for hard-line Marxism .
27 In keeping with the spirit of the Blues Skies approach I should also point out that in the absence of clearly identified industrial or commercial possibilities ( as opposed to imagined ones ) the research would not be subject to the constraints of confidentiality .
28 And , in keeping with the spirit of Christmas , Jill Goolden suggests the best bottles to give to deserving friends .
29 As we have seen , ‘ this notion of society as a organism , whether derived from Hegelian , Comtean , or Darwinian insights , dominated late nineteenth-century thought ’ and Dewey was therefore in keeping with the spirit of his times .
30 Musically it 's more in keeping with the spirit of The Jam or The Who than anything Five Thirty have done and its ferocity conceals a highly charged politically-oriented lyric .
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