Example sentences of "transfer [pers pn] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 You should remove the cichlids as soon as possible and transfer them to a separate tank which is set-up specifically for African cichlids , or take them back to the place you bought them .
2 Take them from the pan with a perforated spoon and transfer them to a mortar or the liquidizer goblet .
3 As the adults appear , transfer them to a cage such as that described on p.33 .
4 Transfer them to a small tube or box containing a few leaves from the same plant and take them home .
5 Remove them with a slotted spoon and transfer them to a serving bowl .
6 Very soon dirty plates began to cascade down the chute and my job was to knock the food remains off them and transfer them to a mechanical washer .
7 Children can plant sunflower seeds in pots indoors and then transfer them to the garden in early summer .
8 As soon as it is well open , and perhaps already dropping pollen grains on to its own stigma and petals , pick up a few grains with a small paint brush , and transfer them to the stigma of the female .
9 There are three ways to handle interrupts in the Corollary system : to transfer all the interrupts to one processor , transfer them to the CPU with the lowest priority tasks or distributing them to more than one processor .
10 Various items get gulped up into my mouth , and after skilful massage with tongue and teeth I transfer them to the plate for additional sculpture with knife and fork and spoon .
11 Alternatively , major capital projects would be undertaken by private sector contractors who would finance and build the assets in question , operate them for a specified period in return for an agreed fee and then transfer them to the commissioning authority .
12 group , erm , must take those up at some stage and and transfer them to the wall .
13 We 'll get rid of the pain with some drugs , and then transfer her to the burns unit at Cambridge .
14 ( iii ) Shell the ICM out of the TE using a flame-polished micropipette and transfer it to a drop of 0.9% sodium citrate .
15 Remove the meat and transfer it to a chopping board .
16 LIFESPAN RDBI , the LIFESPAN RELATIONAL DATABASE INTERFACE , allows the LIFESPAN Manager to extract User , Module , Process Model and Design Change ( DC ) information from LIFESPAN and transfer it to a proprietary relational database of his choice .
17 When designing a fabric , for example , you would probably not complete the design and transfer it to the knitting machine or print it out in just one session .
18 ( b ) An input/output operation is called for ; for example , transfer the character at store address X to the typewriter and print it , or read the next character punched on a piece of paper tape and transfer it to the store , to be deposited at address X.
19 That is , when we inform someone by means of language we retrieve a message from our model of reality and by means of the encoding and decoding of language transfer it to the addressee , who then fits it into his own model of reality .
20 If you have a call for someone , transfer it to the nearest phone or go over to them to tell them you have a call .
21 As the system is updated , nothing is lost for storage is so cheap that it is always more cost effective to slap a primitive TEI type header on each block of data and transfer it to the next store rather than sort out what is likely to be needed from what is not .
22 We were told that that is impossible to take a vote because with big organisations like B T and the Post Office one example was to sell off a Girobank there are eight thousand people , but they were just told you can either defer your pension , leave it with the Post Office Pension Fund , transfer it to the Leicester and Alliance who bought Girobank , or take your money out and take up a personal pension scheme .
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