Example sentences of "treat [pers pn] as a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do n't treat me as a child ! ’ she cried scornfully , ‘ You know that I love you , and that 's why I 'm being packed off . ’
2 ‘ Other students did n't treat me as a mature student and I got to know students aged 17 to 70 .
3 They have subsequently been developed by other thinkers , but for clarity 's sake we shall treat them as a single body of thought .
4 Well you would treat them as a separate entity .
5 We shall treat them as a special type of word and give them the following rule : when a pair of prefix-plus-stem words exists , both members of which are spelt identically , one of which is a verb and the other is either a noun or an adjective , the stress will be placed on the second syllable of the verb but on the first syllable of the noun or adjective .
6 I may treat you as a grown-up person , may I not ?
7 Did he treat you as an equal ? ’
8 Unlike the other more senior competitors for the approval of the leader , she did not treat him as a fellow professional or even a well-informed client .
9 She would treat him as a delinquent , a time-waster , a bad child , whose offences could only be petty .
10 Fergus felt a surge of real anger now , because how dare she treat him as an inferior , how dare she speak to him as if he was no more than one of her serfs , a possession , a pawn , a thing .
11 Discussing Of Grammatology , he says he will treat it as a book with a theme , even though Derrida wants to discourage such an approach to it .
12 You should treat it as a straightforward job of work and get on with it .
13 Her advice is to try and treat it as a normal meal .
14 Well , in some countries this might be the only opportunity learners get to hear extensive chunks of the language , so you could treat it as a " language bath " session and concentrate on helping your learners come away with a general idea of the content .
15 If a marble statue of the Virgin Mary suddenly waved its hand at us we should treat it as a miracle , because all our experience and knowledge tells us that marble does n't behave like that .
16 ‘ Let's treat it as a pleasure jaunt . ’
17 You can treat it as a printer , but one that prints its documents elsewhere .
18 I hope that employers , government and trainers themselves will treat it as a serious attempt by the trade unions to contribute to the debate on training for the industry .
19 In Ball , above , the court mentioned the " aimed at " doctrine but did not treat it as a separate element .
20 The thing is , the trouble with that is when you try and understand or argue about something like that you ca n't treat it as a work of art cos it is n't it 's a functioning building
21 ‘ We 'll treat it as a scaphoid fracture .
22 If an applicant is uncertain as to his plans after marriage , the entry clearance officer should treat it as an application for settlement , and consider whether all the requirements for settlement are satisfied .
23 Thus one might treat it as an argument that is designed not so much to challenge the meaningfulness of applying identity to objects qua ontological existents " out there " as to expose the difficulties of drawing a clear distinction between the numerical and the qualitative ( or species ) identity in relation to such objects .
24 If the deceased was prone to depression , the court could treat it as an example of the egg shell skull rule .
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