Example sentences of "coping with the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The milky-white substance which cloaked Bourn every day totally stopped the heavy bombers from taking off , and at that time the Allied armies were coping with the Battle of the Bulge in France and desperately needed air support .
2 March 12 : Coping with the procedure
3 The idea that the only way of coping with the desuetude of the age , its profound certainty that everything has been said already , is by openly proclaiming this fact as itself the new fact , the idea that the only way of selling your article as original is to declare that it is repro , seems to run up against an ethical objection in a writer like Palandri , however sophisticated his own literary apparatus undoubtedly is .
4 Ronnie saw 49-year-old Mick in Los Angeles and asked how he was coping with the separation .
5 For Diana , coping with the life she had taken on , and with motherhood , was simply too much
6 How Kate was coping with the day .
7 This much is perhaps to be expected from someone who faced insurmountable difficulties in coping with the work .
8 However , he successfully adopted his style in more than adequately coping with the West Indian fast bowling of the 1960's .
9 This may be associated with financial or housing problems , loneliness , problems with relationships , or difficulties coping with the responsibility of having a tiny baby .
10 Since you left Europe , the car market had deteriorated ; does Europe have anything to learn from the way the US car industry is coping with the recession ?
11 BRITS seem to be coping with the recession by eating more cheap nosh — egg and chips .
12 coping with the recession
13 Charles enjoyed the time he spent with his wife and children , but the events of the last four years had been no less momentous for him , and his way of coping with the stress and tensions in his life had always been by testing himself physically .
14 His wife had been plagued by the press from the beginning , and coping with the stress of it all was simply too much .
15 Diverse ways of coping with the stress caused by illness will be identified and any links with self-esteem investigated .
16 He 's had difficulty coping with the trial , he 's been very distressed by it and that has led to him breaking down completely .
17 Whilst the planned regeneration of this part of the city , including the Meadowhall retail development , has brought hope of an economic recovery , the area is still coping with the effects of unemployment and reduced school budgets .
18 If you would like more information on coping with the effects of head injuries please write to us at this address :
19 And a reminder that if you want more information on coping with the effects of head injuries , then the address to write to is :
20 Coping with the pace of change
21 He outlines a plan for coping with the conflicts that often arise in the family during the teenage years .
22 Those who tend to retaliate need to work on ways of coping with the way their immediate strong feelings cause them to behave .
23 Good health is as much to do with being in good spirits , being happy and content , coping with the problems and difficulties of life , but enjoying life to the fullest extent possible .
24 The vast majority need pensions to meet their financial needs , almost all will be registered with a doctor and will make use of the health services , and many require special housing or residential accommodation and some degree of help in coping with the problems arising from increasing frailty , social isolation and their dependent role .
25 For while they always emphasized the special qualities of literature , and in particular the idea that the meaning or effect of literature can not be explained by a process of reduction to ordinary modes of expression , the New Critics also insisted on its connections with the ‘ real ’ world , and on the contribution it can make to coping with the problems of everyday human existence .
26 Women who have maintained and/or developed an extensive network of personal relationships in middle age are held to be most favourably placed in coping with the problems of old age .
27 that early intervention is the best way of coping with it , and certainly it demands that parents and friends and teachers , and people concerned are aware of any change which is sustained over a period because by early intervention then you 're probably coping with the problem rather than the eating disorder , because the problem is there before the eating disorder .
28 When the risk factor can not be eradicated , or the stressful experience avoided , an alternative approach to prevention is to focus attention instead on the child 's resources for coping with the problem .
29 Getting undersaddle pickups to reproduce highs is easy , coping with the lows is more difficult , and coping with the mids — the Lowden 's strongest point — is more difficult still , but all the same the EMG provides a high-quality representation of the LSE 's warm , woody acoustic tone .
30 and where necessary to find alternative ways of coping with the tasks of life .
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