Example sentences of "caring for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , Hoving became rapidly intoxicated with his own power and was incapable of maintaining the balance between forcefulness and arrogance , between populism and vulgarity ; between protecting and caring for the art under the Met 's roof and blithely selling it heedless of scholars or donors .
2 Caring for the carer
3 He watched the man narrowly , not caring for the wariness of his eyes and the way his hands had begun to twitch .
4 The possibility of a child being born with a handicap is not only an emotional worry but caring for the child in the future will be expensive .
5 Presumably you have worked out the cost of someone caring for the child while you are earning a living .
6 Any of these is quite traumatic enough to cause long-lasting and damaging effects upon the mind of the child and yet each event simply ‘ happened ’ and there was no way that those caring for the child could have prevented it .
7 Is caring for the child 's personal development to be relegated to overtime ?
8 This realignment may last for 9 to 12 months , depending on the health of the child and whether the domestic arrangements for caring for the child are resolved .
9 Because babies are delicate and vulnerable and because the mother — for all kinds of reasons — is compelled to succeed in caring for the child , the situation has a potential for much distress on the mother 's part if anything goes wrong .
10 The local authority plan should form the basis of an agreement with the parent or person caring for the child and should be reviewed at appropriate intervals .
11 This includes any local authority which is providing accommodation for a child at the time an application is made and anyone caring for the child when proceedings are commenced .
12 Those entitled to notice of the application are : ( a ) any person caring for the child at the time the proceedings are commenced ; ( b ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a parent without parental responsibility , ie an unmarried father without the benefit of a parental responsibility agreement or order ; ( c ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a party to pending relevant proceedings in respect of the same child ; ( d ) any local authority providing accommodation for the child ; ( e ) where proceedings are brought in respect of a child alleged to be staying in a certified refuge , the person providing the refuge .
13 Having fixed a reasonable standard the court must then consider how those caring for the child , usually the parents , actually measure up to this .
14 Where parents are not actually caring for the child at the time of the application the court must consider whether they would be likely to offer a reasonable standard of care if the child were returned to them .
15 Regardless of who 's caring for the child , both parents are still responsible and should still be involved in any decision making .
16 Because one 's involved whether one likes it or not , just by caring for the person concerned . ’
17 If so , he will advise you what to do , but you may also find it helpful to obtain a copy of a booklet entitled Caring for the widow and her family , published by CRUSE ( The National Organisation for Widows and their Children , Cruse House , 126 Sheen Road , Richmond , Surrey TW9 1UR ) , which gives a great deal of useful information on all these subjects and many others connected with widowhood .
18 She could , in a way , imagine what it was like caring for the man before her .
19 Ocean Toy ( right ) from Anne Wilkinson Designs ( 0242–578666 ) is printed with hints on caring for the ocean , and has creatures to attach by Velcro or pop into its pockets — for small children , or an ornament for older ones .
21 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
22 Everyone involved in caring for the patient has to learn some of the techniques of handling and positioning him , in order to provide continuity .
23 If , for example , to carry out a particular operation meant further long-term treatment , this must enter the equation ; as must also the comparative cost in caring for the patient without the particular treatment .
24 Of course , such decisions are medical matters in that they arise in the context of the professional relationship of doctor and patient , and they are for doctors to make in that the doctor is the professional ‘ on the spot ’ caring for the patient .
25 Information collected about the relatives of cancer patients showed that only a minority have anything more than superficial contact with the staff caring for the patient , and a number of these relatives would have welcomed an opportunity to share their anxiety , not only about the patient but about their own feelings ( Bond , 1982 ) .
26 Learners need to see the total experience ( theory and practice ) as a learning module , and many of the topics explored are discovered , discussed , and learned as a result of caring for the patient .
27 What instructions must be given to nurses caring for the patient ?
28 Strangely , it was decided that a repeat investigation was not required and I was allowed to go on caring for the patient throughout her stay .
29 Ultimately each citizen will have a unique NHS number , and nationally linked population registers will ensure both that information needs to be entered only once and that it is available to any clinician caring for the patient .
30 Women are peculiarly fitted for the onerous task of patiently and skilfully caring for the patient in faithful obedience to the physician 's orders .
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